Chapter 2- Girl Talk

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I was sitting in my bedroom, texting Kanna, AJ, and Kate when Ash walked in. "Hey, put your phone away. Girl talk time," said Ash. I put my phone down and started to listen to Ash who was going on and on about Blake but soon I was thinking about Zen. I couldn't get that beautiful face off my mind. I was interrupted in my own thoughts when Ash yelled, "Are you even listening to me?!" I instantly snapped out of my thought and nodded. "So any cute boys in your classes!" She asked. I shrugged, but then got a text. "Who is that?" Ash asked. "Probably the girls," I replied, but before I could read the text, she picked up my phone and her mouth fell to the ground. "This is definitely NOT the girls," she said in shock. I looked at her, confused. She showed me the bright, shining screen and the text said "Hey." My eyes then drifted to who sent the text and it was Zen. "Since when is the hottest, most popular boy in school texting you?" she asked excitedly. "Since today. He felt really bad about hitting Carmila." I replied trying to act cool. "Did you really tell him about Carmila?!" she asked concerned. I nodded and laughed but Ash was not amused. She punched my shoulder playfully. "I hate you," she said sarcastically. I smiled as she walked out to make dinner.

I changed into my pajamas which consisted of flannel pants and a white t-shirt. Ash made mac-and-cheese so I dished up two bowls of mac-and-cheese, put them on the coffee table, and turned on Grey's Anatomy. A couple of minutes later Ash walked in. She was in her pajamas which consisted of leopard pants and one of Blake's hoodies. She sat down and we started to watch Grey's Anatomy while eating our mac-and-cheese. We were having a delightful time until our dad walked in. He walked in and gave us a stern glare then came over to us. "Did you leave any food for me?" he asked in a stern voice. I shook my head and then put it down. He lifted my chin, then punched me right in the left eye. Tears rolled down my face and I ran to my room, jumped on my bed, and cried into my pillow. Couple minutes later, Ash came into my room and started rubbing my back. I sat up and looked at her. She had a black eye as well. Her eyes welled up with tears and I hugged her. We sat hugging for what seemed like forever, but she pulled away and looked me straight in the eye. "We are going to stay at Blake's for a day or two," she said holding back tears. I nodded, hugged her one more time and then she left to go pack. I packed a duffel bag with the basic stuff, toiletries, clothes, undergarments, etc. We tiptoed out of the living room, past our sleeping dad, and to Carmila. We drove to Blake's house, I leaned my head against the window tears still in my eyes. We arrived at Blake's house, who was waiting outside. Ash got out of the car and hugged him and he held her close and examined her eye. I was getting out of the car when I noticed another figure in the house. I assumed that it was a dog or a cat. I walked up the path, Ash, and Blake following me and I reached for the doorknob but someone else opened it from inside. I looked up and saw Zen, who was looking at my black eye with his fists clenched.

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