Chapter 4- The Car Ride

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Earlier that day, me and Ash decided that we wanted to find a new place to stay in, besides the boys home. The boys home was cozy and all, but just not our style. It either smelled like trash or smelled way to strongly of cologne, it was unorganized, the opposite of our style. But in order to rent out a place, we need to earn some cash first. I decided that I am going to tutor and Ash decided that she is going to work as a Starbucks Barista. Blake and the guys offered to pitch in some money, but we felt bad. So I decided to get to school early this morning and hung up posters about tutoring. I ended up getting lots of texts saying they would be interested, especially my friends (they aren't very good at school). The day had flown by quickly and before I knew it, it was my last period. We needed to finish a lesson in math and two pages of homework. I finished them both in under thirty minutes. I decided to scroll through my phone but I heard someone groaning. I looked over to see Zen massaging his head and grunting. I looked over and he had barely done the second problem of the homework. I decided to slide into the empty seat next to him. He looked up and smiled a little, but I could tell he was still stressed. I took my pencil and showed him how to do the problem. I worked him through all of the other problems. The bell rang and I started to pack my stuff up. Zen touched my shoulder "Hey, thanks for all the help." he said. "Anytime," I replied with a smile "Well I am actually going to start to tutor. You can always schedule a session...I mean only i-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Zen interrupted "Yes that would be great." he said quickly. "Great tomorrow after school?" I asked. He nodded and then asked, "Do you need a ride home?" I didn't know what to say. I thought I was trying to play hard to get but would this be an exception? I must have been thinking for a while because Zen cleared his throat and said "Paige? Kinda need an answer.." he chuckled. "Yes, I would love a ride. You kept me here for a while, I bet my sis has already left." I said laughing a little. "Great meet me outside in 5," he said running out to get his car. I quickly sent a text to Ash saying "Got a ride from Zen." and another quick one to the group chat the consisted of Kanna, AJ, and Kate saying "Got a ride home from the pretty boy ;)". I meet Zen outside where he was waiting, leaning against his 1969 Shelby Mustang. I came out and my mouth dropped. "Oh my god! Is that really a 1969 Shelby Mustang?!" I asked excitedly. He nodded and then asked, "You know cars?" "Yea I have always loved them. My dad used to tell me all about them until he started drinking.." I trailed off. I ran my fingertips on the sleek, cold metal. Zen opened my door and I sat down onto the cushioned, leather seat. Zen turned up the music and before I even knew it, we were singing at the top of our lungs to the radio. I didn't even realize we were home because I was singing with my eyes closed, moving to the music and when I opened my eyes, I saw Zen staring at me, biting his lower lip. I smiled and winked "Thanks for the ride." I said trying to act cool. But inside I was not cool. My body was on fire, I am sure I looked like a tomato I was blushing so much. I was proud of myself because I had followed my plan but how much longer could I keep up with it?

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