i can't hear

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~that's honestly my whole life story for you right there. some people will ask. 'dan, what is one interesting thing about you?' and 'i'm deaf.' is the answer.

~now, i know people that can hear have this reaction like... 'oh really? i didn't even notice! you talk so well!' they're basically like children some of them.

~then i would tell them that i lost my hearing when i was 15 so the voice i remember is a squeaky, going through puberty, mom i'm playing minecraft get out my room, type of voice but hey, least i know how to talk. some people don't get that luxury.

~the next thing would be, 'well your voice is really deep now did you know that?'

~sigh. god, i literally did nothing wrong, i only watched porn once and i couldn't even hear what was going on so why must you punish me?
'no i didn't know because..' *gestures to ears*

~ 'oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to offend you!'
then we start the ^it wasn't your fault it was mine^ game.

~and last but certainly not least the most basic question.

~can you sign.

~so i pull out my golden hands of fury and sign ^i want to die^ which is basically making a motion like your bring something towards you with your fists clenched and then open them, flipping them over, one facing up the other facing down.

~without blinking an eye. they clap appreciatively, i couldn't hear the sounds of stupidness of course.

~my trainer most certainly did see what i signed and tapped me on the shoulder shaking his head discouragingly.

~have i mentioned my trainer looks like cross between snape and the giver from the movie 'the giver' ? yea he's really hot i know. i try to keep from throwing my body at him everyday.

~so yea that ended my session with meeting my support group.

~ and trust me, this is far from the fault in our stars. i know what you're going to say. one difference is, hazel isn't deaf. that's the only book i can actually relate to in a way.

~and also because agustus is my boyfriend, he just doesn't know it yet.

~i grab my skateboard from the corner since they hate when we bring items into our hippe circle and turn to snape- i mean mr. farkle

~bad was what he signed as he points to me and then the seat i sat in at the circle. bad was signed with the tips of his right hand pressed against his lips and then he moves his hand down and away ending with his palm facing downward.

~his eyebrows were pulled together tightly as he shook his head at me. oh poor baby.

~i'm sorry i sign back with a fake but believable pout. this sign was just me putting a fist on my chest and turning it in a clockwise motion.

~ 'don't do it again.' i almost miss what he says because i was expecting him to use his hands. he loves to mix things up. silly goose.

~ 'will do sir.' i say and then me and my skateboard make our way out my school/insane asylum. it was a shame i had to come back tomorrow, but until then i was going to go home and eat all the popsicles in my freezer.

welcome to 'i love you' in sign!!! i was so excited to write this book because it's completely different then what i have been doing any i'm so excited to be starting it!

and you also get to learn some asl and sign language as you read so that's cool!


'i love you' in signWhere stories live. Discover now