what is he a spy?

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~ my mom practically dragged me by my weak arm into school. it was completely embarrassing since she was shouting to the top of her lungs for my instructor. honestly, i saw some people backing towards the emergency exits.

~ the lady at the desk, damn i forgot her name, looks scared as we approach her desk. 'please help me," i say, 'get this crazy woman off of me.'

~ 'oh hush dan! if you would've gotten up like you were supposed to this morning i wouldn't be late for work, this is the third time this week!'
'i told you i would tell him myself, you didn't have to come in my dearest mother.'
'why do you like to lie?'
'i don't know, must be genetic.'

~ she turned red and i knew i crossed a line. could never seem to keep my mouth shut. i found her badge name again. 'ally, please get phil, woah i never thought i hear those words come out my mouth.'

~ 'a student said i should come to the front quick, what's the problem?' that sickening smile, he waves at me and i look away whistling, wow that bird is really interesting.

~ my mom rushes to him to shake his hand. they start talking and i sure didn't stick around so i went into the lobby. usually i would go into class first thing in the morning to avoid conversation with people but i didn't want to spend more time in that overly bright classroom than i had to so i walk to a couch that sat leo and my acquaintance kate.

~ 'oh hey dan, you're actually here this morning.' she pats the spot beside her since she was sitting beside leo. oh she better make room for my skinny ass to fit in between.

~ 'heyyyy you guys! mind if i-" i wiggle slightly in between them and look to see leo's mouth wide open, a smile on his face. i would do anything to hear his laughter.

~ kate was probably mumbling about me but i turn to leo and those light green eyes. i look at those small brown freckles on his cheeks and think....must be nice to be perfect.

~ 'at me?' i catch the last movement of his lips and i blink. damn i must've been staring hella hard. 'i'm sorry what?'

~ he chuckles, shaking his head and stands up. 'nothing, come with me, i need to ask you something.'

~ 'why can't you just ask me here?' what the fuck dan? can't you see he's trying to be alone with you?

~ he scratches the back of his neck. 'i mean i can, i just want to ask you, you know... in private.'

~ my hands were sweating. 'oh...you sure?' shut the hell up!

~ he sticks his hand in his pockets, a sign of him being nervous, and i stand up quickly. 'i-i mean sure, let's go.'

~ he smiles and i wipe nervous sweat on my jeans. we go into the little space that leads to the bathrooms. he leans against the wall opposite of me and runs his fingers through his brown curls that gave them a messy,sexy look. i could only see a bit of his lips as he paces to mutter to himself but it looks like 'just do it' oh my god i'm about to have a boyfriend.

~ 'hey leo,' i reach my hand out on his shoulder to stop his pacing and turn him to me, 'just ask, i already know my answer will be yes.'

~ that seem to comfort him because he starts laughing. 'am i really that obvious?'

~ i shrug. 'it doesn't take a sidekick to know that you're planning on asking me to be your-'
  'to go to the fair with you this saturday night?' he says at the same time.

~ 'uhhh jinx?' my face is red leo is looking expectantly at me. i cover up my shame by throwing my arms around his neck. 'yes, i would love to go with you.'

~ i pull away and the happiness and relief on his face makes my heart melt. 'g-great! so..i'll pick you up at 8?'

~ 'i'll be dressed in my finest t-shirt and jeans.'

~ he laughs and waves goodbye, i watch as he walks away from me. then he stops, turns back, and kisses me lightly on the cheek. he laughs again at my shocked face then leaves again. it was just a kiss on the cheek but damn i felt like he gave me the universe.

~ i see phil's smiling face pop around the wall and i straighten up instantly when i notice i was slowly sinking down to the floor. 'what the fuck is wrong with you! you scared me half to death!'

~ 'a fair? can i come?'

this was a bit long lol

~ alivia

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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