but can you blame me ?

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~ my mom taps the tabletop to get my attention from me looking at my phone, when i look up at her, she gives me a look like..what the fuck man?

~ 'yes?' i say, giving her the brightest smile ever.

~ 'dan, today is saturday.' she stares at me hard but i just sit here wondering what that could mean. we stare at each other for awhile, and it looks like she's getting more pissed by the second so i just pretend to suddenly remember what she's talking about.

~ 'ohhh yeaaa, i had to do that thing didn't i? dang i'm sorry mom, i'lll definitley do it tomorrow."

~ by now, she was tapping her finger impatiently on the table top and i was starting to get a little scared, my mom could turn from the sweetest thing ever into a raging demon in seconds. what the hell did i forget about that was so important?

~ 'mrs fergonson called today, she said that you didn't come over to take care of jen....so where were you all day?'

~ damn. there was no way i was going to escape out of this one. jen was my neighbor's 16 year old daughter who really didn't need a baby sitter, and to be completely honest, she was sooo annoying. she always thought it was funny to leave the house out of nowhere and then sneak up on me and scare me out of the blue which is probably why i'm going to go into cardiac arrest one day.

~ i just look at my mom and shake my head. " i went to skate, i don't want to take care of that horrible child."

~ 'dan she's two years younger than you.'
'right so why does she need a baby sitter?'
'mrs feronson doesn't trust her.'

~ i sigh and get up from the table and discretely hide my phone in my back pocket so my mom won't have to think about taking it. 'listen, i'm a deaf teenage boy, i can't take care of a wild 16 year old girl, that's too much on me.'

~ my pity story must've worked on her because she looks less evil. i won. i actually won against something with my mom. i grin, turning around, maybe i'll dance happily in my room, maybe i'll buy tap shoes, maybe- she turns me around, a bright smile on her face that held so much revenge in it.

~ 'you still need to be punished for not going today though.' when she says this my heart stops. i knew exactly what was coming. "no skatebarding for a week, and on the weekends i'm going to replace it with something even better."

~ i snort. "are we going to the fair or something?' i know i know, i shouldn't have said that but i have this thing called big mouthitits and it's a disease that stays with me permanently.

~ she frowns at me. 'no, you're also going to be doing lessons too on the weekends during that week so get ready.'

~ 'are you going to teach me?' i ask as she starts walking away.

~ she signs the name out letter for letter before laughing. it probably sounded evil, i know it did. i literally collapse on my knees and start to beg her. i'd rather do chores than see more of that overly excited face. my dad walks in just then and scopes out the scence with a tired look on his face.

~ 'what happened?'

for awhile i didn't know if i wanted to continue this story but so far i think i should :)

~ alivia

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