no just no

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~ i made sure to be extra late coming into my deaf facility because i didn't want to see 'mr. all happy sunshine' for as long as i could stand him.

~ my mom was practically pushing me out the car. i usually take my skateboard to school early in the morning before the traffic starts but i was so late that if i was to go now i would probably get ran over.

~ she pushed me out so hard that i almost tripped and fell on my face. i'm pretty sure she was screaming at me to get my ass inside but you know...i couldn't hear it.

~ i walk inside very slowly and the secretary waves at me but gives me a disapproving look in her eyes.

~ 'daniel you're 20 minutes late. did something happen?'

~ 'don't worry about me. everything is fine.' i walk up to the desk and lean on it. something i've never done before but i was trying to stall for time and i think she noticed.

~ 'dan are you trying to get out of your meeting with your new trainer?' she gives me mischievous eyebrow wag and shakes her finger.

~ 'what are you talking about? can i not talk to you?'

~ 'yea? what's my name?' she puts her hand over her badge.

~ damn. she got me there. i'm pretty sure someone has said it around me once in my life. 'oh come on you know i know this why even ask me?'

~ she gives me a ridculous look and starts to pick up the phone with her other hand. i hesitate. every secretary has a secretary name right? i hold out my hands the minute she puts the phone to her ear. 'wait! it's janice right?'

~ she scoffs. 'mr. lester your trainee dan has arrived and is making his way down right now.' she nods her head for me to get going.

~ i decide to give it another try. 'oh come on i was just joking!' she hangs up the phone and takes her hand away from her badge. 'ally? woah i would've never guessed that.'

~ she waves me forward and i sigh hugely, making my way down to my room.

~ when i open the door i close it back quickly. i turn to walk back to the lobby but phil calls me back.

~ 'i hope you don't mind, but i sorta remodled the room. it was looking a bit dull don't you think?'

~ the walls were covered in insirational cat posters and stuffed bean bags replaced the desks and chairs. a bright yellow carpet was on the floor too.
~'what have you done...'

~ i look horrified at the bright room. this man was literally going to be the death of me. i see him walk towards a tray and he turns around with a bright smile on his face.

~ 'i made you finger sandwhiches!" eat he signs with his hand making a squished 'o' and feeding it to his closed smiling mouth.

~ please kill me.

whoop bout to stay cramped up in my dark room watching anime


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