can he just leave

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~ i try to walk a few long strides in front of phil so it won't look like i'm walking with my trainer to have lunch but he keeps up with me, smiling as he asks me all these irrelevant questions.

~ i spot my friends that sit in the back of the lunchroom. they haven't noticed me but i see that leo has brought his puppy and i turn to phil who bumps into me.

~ 'oh sorry! didn't mean to run into you, what's up?'

~ i cough a little. 'why the hell is your chest so hard? you trying to take me out or something?'

~ he gives me a goofy look. 'what?'

~ noticing what i just said, i shake my head as i feel my cheeks get warm. 'nothing, anyways, my friends, they're pretty cool okay? but sometimes they like to have a little fun so they break the rules.'

~ 'what? is it something bad?'

~ 'no just...leo has a dog that he brings so we can pet him that's it, so can you please not act your age and tell on us?'

~ 'i'm not that old.' he mutters, 'but yes i love dogs! let's go!' he pushes past me and immediately gets loud.

~ i sit down beside leo who had a bag in his lap that was moving around jerkily, and before you get all triggered, yes the bag had a breathing hole don't worry. when he sees me, he takes out dominic who automatically crawls over in my lap. don't get me wrong, the dog is cute but leo's smile and freckles are so much cuter. we smile at each other for a few seconds you know, cute gay shit but then-

~ 'oh wow a lab! mind if i pet him?'

~ honestly what the fuck? what happened to pretending you weren't here bitch?

~ leo looks over at him as he speaks. 'yea sure um who are you?'

~ i give this dude all the secret signals, big eyes, head shaking no, waving hands. doesn't pay attention to ANY of them.

~ 'i'm dan's new trainer phil.' he says as he takes dominic from me.

~ leo's face was shocked. 'wow honestly i thought you were a student you must be pretty young....' and then phil starts having a full blown conversation with my crush right. in. front. of. me.

i have an actual excuse for not being here.....

i got in a fight

and won :)

i hate when ppl go around saying something about you that's not true

'oh you're a whore' MY ASSHOLE

~ alivia

'i love you' in signWhere stories live. Discover now