he cute tho

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~so i sorta lied. there is this dude that i talk to and his name is leo. i will just tell you straight up....he only has one ear.

~and i know what you're about to say and yes i know that is fucked up because his name is leo like the artist leonardo da vinci who also had no ear society am i right?

~but to be honest...he cute tho. he has the gorgeous green eyes and brown hair with these cute brown freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose. like????thanks god.

~i don't know his backstory but i like mysterious guys. he's very friendly and he always hangs out with me but one night he stayed at my house and girl...the boy was screaming so loud in his sleep he made my parents completely john cena my door down.

~so whatever happened to him was pretty catastrophic. i stayed up with him all night trying to calm him down, asking him what happened. he wouldn't tell me just kept muttering that he wanted to go home.

~then. the next day i came to school....completely forgets about what happened the night before.

~i was like. 'so you don't remember screaming and thrashing around?'

~ 'nope. wanna grab a bite to eat?'

~that's when his trainer pulled me to the side and told me that every time his mind gets to stimulated like from shock, anger, or fear...he just forgets.

~and i thought my life was fucked up.

~leo is still a fun guy, like he is funny as hell and i loves to laugh. he entertains me and the other group of people at our lunch table when we have nothing else to laugh at and god i want that boy to be mine.

~he also sneaks in his puppy dominic who is a lab and lets everybody play with him. he is literally the best.

~i don't want to just keep ranting about some cute guy the whole time because mr. farkle just told told me some news that will absolutely crush my heart.

this was like sorta a filler chapter i guess??? you might see some cover changes for the book because i'm trying to find the best one :)


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