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Another battle with Brightmoon, and I can't stop thinking about a certain girl with glowing blond hair and blue eyes.
Etheria help me.


Catra POV:
'Here it is'. I thought as I surveyed Bright Moon and all the damage. We're winning we're actually winning! I laughed as I bounced off of a horde soldier's back. "Keep moving! Let's take these princesses to the grave!!" Finally I won. I'm better than all those princesses. Than her.

Adora. The sky was gray with all the guns going off so it was pretty hard to see. Until she came in. Of course her stupid sword sends a beam of light... "For the honor of Grayskull!!" And things were about to get good. Horde soldiers started to panic as the eight foot goddess (ughhh) charged her way through the line picking off and throwing anyone in her way. I started to panic as my heterochromic eyes widened. Jumping onto the abandoned tank next to me I sly said "Hey, adora."

Her cold blue eyes could shoot daggers into me "Catra... you truly are a monster." A part of me winced when she said that with a look of digust. I bet she saw my expression because there was some pain in her eyes too. "Stop this, Catra. Please." I lept off the tank to meet her face to face.

Why is it so fricking hard to look at her when she's glowing? "Awww...adora you know I can't. I've worked too hard to bail out now. I have some sense." She sighed and pressed on, "Catra come with me. You're not a bad person, Catra. You don't belong in the Horde!" How could she? After all this time she still has the audacity to say that.

Bile rose in me. She left me, and I don't need her. "Wow you were always dense but you're becoming dumber. What don't you understand? I don't care about anyone, I don't want to be with you, and I am a bad person who won't hesitate to kill you".

I dashed at her slicing into her cheek. She-ra maybe stronger, but I'm faster. Better. Adora swung at me with her dumb clunky sword. 'Not fast enough' I thought as I lept onto the tank. "Wow have you been training at all? Shadoweaver would be disappointed to see her golden child losing." I springed onto Adora with a look of surprise on her face. She swung again but I'm too fast. I jabbed at her and clawed her back as she shrieked in agony.

Her screams hurt my ears. "Catra!!!" Beaten down and bloody she lifts up a boulder and chucks it at me. That was close but I couldn't dodge her punch in the gut. She knocked me to the ground. Her glowing eyes piercing into my soul. I hissed and struck at her stomach with my feet. Get up Catra. She's as good as dead. She-ra was struggling. She waved hee sword and couldn't get anything other than a couple of scratches.

I noticed her heavy breathing matched mine. Shit. We're both exhausted. Adora was fading in and out of consciousness. It was time to end this. I darted at her clawing her face, legs, and chest. Her swings didn't touch me and she fell down. She was trembling. I had to kill her. I breathed hard and lifted my claws. C'mon do it! Why are you hesitant?!! I screamed and brought my hand down. But not on her.

Scraping the rubble next to Adora, I moved the hair out of her face. She was pale and struggling to keep She-ra's form. I shuddered. Why couldn't I do it? Adora transformed back and her cloudy blue eyes opened. The look she gave me. I'll never forget. She looked at me with agonizing pain in her eyes until she started to cry. Her hair was messy and her face bloody.

From here I could see what I did to her back. "Kill me" she whimpered, " you won. Isn't this what you want?! To be better and defeat me?? Kill me, Catra!!! Do it!!" The ice in her voice crawled up to my ears. I was stunned because she was right.

I won and that's all I ever wanted but I don't know why I feel so hollow. So empty. "Adora-". "No! Don't you dare, Catra!! Stop hurting me just end it already!! 
Or are you that cruel? Do you want to see me beg at your feet for death? Kill me!!" I trembled as I felt wetness on my checks. "No. Adora, I won't kill you. I can't!"

I started to sob. How could I? My best friend. The girl who protected me and cared for me. Screw the Horde. They can call me a traitor for all I care. Not adora.

I fell to my knees and cradled her head. My tears dropped on her face as she faded in and out of consciousness. "Catra...I-" BOOM!! An explosion cut through the Horde lines and they were retreating?! I saw Scorpia bolt away with Kyle in her arms. What a prick. I couldn't see anything through the smoke until a pair of angel wings appeared and that's the last thing I remember....

This story is a slow burn romance.  Trust me just wait because it is worth it!! Thanks for reading!

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