Chapter 4

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LoveBites- Chapter Four

*Liam's POV*

i had to get out of there. The smell was just too tempting and if I was there any longer I would no doubt give in to it and nothing good would come from that.


Okay after I get my fix I'll lay down the rules. Not that I think she'll try anything but just in case Maeve gets tempted. I know I have been tempted with Louis.

I don't know he just smells so tasty.

I got in my room and locked the door behind me, heading over to the closet and pushed my way to the back of the closet, through all the junk. I grabbed my key from my pocket and put it in the lock of the secret door and opened it. I grabbed one of the bags that was in there and tore it open, hungerly taking in the content.


*Louis POV*

After Liam bolted at the stairs I just stared at him for a few seconds before following with a sigh. I plopped down on the couch and checked the time.

3:30. I had time. I should shower and all that shiz.

As I was getting up Liam came walking into the room looking like he wanted to talk.

"Sorry mate cant talk. I gotta get ready." I tried to push past him but he blocked me.

"Sit." Whenever Liam tells me to do something I automatically do it like i have no control over my body.

"Whats up?"

"Ok I just need to tell you the rules for your date."

"Liam Im 16. I think I can handle a date." I tried leaving again but Liam stopped me with his stare, so I sat back down reluctantly. "yeah? What are these 'ground rules'?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Alright first, after sundown she wont smile with her teeth showing. She wont tongue kiss you either, if she looks paler, dont worry, thats normal for her." I just stared at him. "Oh and whatever you do, dont let her give you a love bite. Ever."

Thats when I lost it. I was laughing hysterically.

"What? Whats so funny im serious!" I laughed even harder.

"oh man Liam! You really wnat me to believe that Maeve is like, what, a vampire or something?" with that, i walked towards the shower, not believing Liam at all.

~2 hours later~

Damn. Liam was right. Maeve is just like he explained."Maeve, Ill be right back ok? Im just going to the bathroom"

I got up and walked into the bathroom. When i got there it was eerily quiet and empty, considering how crowded the theatre was. Suddenly, I got the feeling that some on was watching me. It was beyond creepy.

I did my business and started washing my hands when i heard a noise.


"Hello? Whos there?"

"Me" A husky voice whaipered behind me, causing me to jump and whitl around. A tall curly haired boy with piercing green eyes stood there. "Youre a pretty one arent ya?" He started to stroke my arms, sending shivers down my back. I wanted to push him away but I couldnt I just stood there like I was in a trance.

Mr. Curly noticed this and smirked at me. " Wh-who are you?"

"Cowells top Hunter, Harry."

"Who the hell is Cowell? Do you mean the cofounder of my school?"

"Shh everything will make sense soon but for now just shut up and let me do my job." for some odd reason, I obeyed him. Harry leaned in and felt my neck, looking for something and when he found it, he grinned widely, revealing something in his mouth.

Were those...fangs?

Harry leaned in further and pressed his mouth to my neck. I felt his tongue press down on my neck. My heart was racing.

Harry grunted and suddenly I was standing on my own with out Harry bearing down on me.

"Louis! Dont just stand there! Run!" Liam yelled from the doorway.

"Liam? What are you-"

"No time to explain!" Liam grabbed me and ran faster thean i ever thought possible. Wr ran straight out of the theatre, which was remarkably empty now. I heard foot steps behind us and turned around to see it was Harry hissing at us. We dashed towards Maeves car and hopped in.

"Harry didnt bite you right? He disnt draw blood? Your not hu-"

"WAIT! What the actual fuck is going on?! What the hell was that?! Give me some god damn answers!" i was betond confused and pissed off.

"we'll explain at the house"

"No! You'll explain now!"

They exhanged a look and a sigh before Liam said "Louis, were vampires."

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