Chapter 6

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LoveBites-Chapter Six

*Liam's POV*

When Zayn lunged for Louis I let out a snarl and leapt forward, ready for a fight. But instead of attacking Louis, Zayn and Niall were laughing hysterically.

"Oi! Mate you shouldve seen your face! I was only kidding with you!" Zayn managed to gasp out, gripping his sides in hysteria.

"Wait so you arent actually going to suck me dry?" Niall immediatly burst out laughing, causing Louis' face to turn crimson when he realized what he said "I-I mean suck my blood?"

"No we wont dont worry we just came by to welcome you to Society"

"Oh. Okay thank you!" Oh man. Louis was too naive sometimes.

*Louis' POV*

I like Niall and Zayn. They're nice. They went out of their way to welcome me. "I like you guys. Youre nice. Its great to meet vampires that arent my brother, my, er, friend or some creep in the bathroom trying to bite off my neck"

"Haha yeah..." They shifted uncomfortably but that was probably because Liam and Marve were shooting daggers at them.

"Anyways. Lets go inside. Now." Liam grabbed me and Maeve. "Niall. Zayn." He growled as he slammed he door behind us. What was his deal?

"Whats your deal? Shouldnt you be happy to see fellow Higgins? And about that, Maeve if youre a Higgins why did you bite my brother? I know he wasnt born that way cuz I'd be a vampire too. So explain." I put my hands on my hips and cocked a brow.

"First of all, those were Cowells, they lied to you so you would trust them and thu would lead you into their trap and turn you into a Cowell."

"No. If they bit me,which they wont seeing as their Higgins, I'd be a Higgin too."

"No, youd be a Cowell because a Cowell bit you. If a Higgins bit you, which they wont, you'd turn into a Higgins. The type of vampire that bites ou is the type that you become."

"So you didnt have a choice? You were automatically a Higgins?"

"No I had a choice."

"But you just-"

"Maeve was a rogue, born from too rogue vanpires which is rare, she didnt have a side, at least not officially. A Cowell-Harry- had brainwashed her to bite me after I found out and asked her to turn me. She didnt want to but with Harrys power over her she but me at the club and somehow my blood got rid of Harrys power over her. When she was free of harrys grip we decided to become Higgins."

Oh. Well then. Something else hit me. "If Harry is the top Hunter and Hunters go after important people, why did Harry come after me? Why am i important?"

They shared another look. Damn i hate those shared looks.

"Well we have a suspicion and it would explain why Liams blood made me snap out of it because ou guys are related and-"

"Just get to the pount, Maeve!"

"Louis, we think your the Cure."

*Zayn's POV*

"Its him. Hes definitly the Cure." Niall piped up as we walked away.

"No shit. I could smell it so strongly on his blood I'm suprised those dumbass Higgins havent figured it out yet. I mean they actually need the Cure to win, but we just have to destroy it."

"Which is why we need to befriend that Louis kid and earn his trust then hand him over to Harry so he can do his thing." The leprachaun was skipping now, thinking of how close we were to winning. And we were so deliciously close to victory. I mean we have Louis in the palm of our hands.

"Was Cowell right?" A husky voice I know so well asked as we approached the boulder he sat on.

"Yup, Hazza, Louis Paynlinson is most definitly the Cure, that little ignorant twat is who you have to drain of blood and turn him on our side. The good and winning side."

*Maeve's POV*

"Wait. WHAT?!? What the fuck is that?! Why do you think Im the Cure?! What does that even mean?! What do I have to do?! GAH!!" Oh boy, Louis was having a major melt down.

"Mate calm down. Shh. Its okay dont worry. We'll protect you." Liam had a comforting hand on his brothers shoulder. Louis shakily took a deep breath.

"So tell me about the Cure."


"Youve heard a lot tonight, I think thats enough for now."

"No. I need to know. Now." God damnit Louis was as stubborn as Liam.

"We'll tell you tommorrow." Louis opened his mouth in protest when both mine and Liams stomachs growled loudly.

"I thought vampires didnt have to eat?" Louis asked curiously, forgetting about the Cure.

"We dont. Our stomachs growl when we need blood."

"Oh. Well, you aint biting my neck!" Liam and I caclked at tht.

"We werent planning on that. Well have some of Liam's stash from the blood bank or well get some animals." I raised an eyebrow at Liam questioning if he still had some left in storage.

"I have some dont worry Ill be right back." Liam was gone in a flash.




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