Chapter 18

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*3rd Person Cowells*

Harry walked up to Cowell's door and took a deep breath to brave himself. You can do this Harry, he told himself. You can do this. He raised his arm and was about to knock when he heard voices from inside.

"-brand new! You can't just replace me!" it sounded like Zayn.

"I founded this branch of vampires, I can do whatever I want!" Cowell shouted back.

"Harry sucks at being lead Hunter! He lead the troops to slaughter!" Zayn shot back. Harry's ears pricked up at his name shocked to hear his ex-best friend say that about him.

"Don't you dare say that! I will kick you back out on the streets! Remember, I saved you and brought you to a greater glory than those humans." he said the word like the thought disgusted him.

"But-" Zayn was cut off.

"No buts. I'm going to go find Harry and tell him he has his spot back. When I get back, you better have returned the star and picked up your 5." Cowell said harshly. Harry heard footsteps so he quietly retreated down the hall and walked so it looked like he was just passing by.

Cowell emerged from the room. "Harry! I was just looking for you! I have some news so could you step inside for me?" he asked motioning his arms towards the room. Harry stepped into the room to find it empty.

"What did you want to tell me, sir?" he added the "sir" so that is Zayn was listening it would prove him wrong. Cowell walked over to his big wooden desk at sat in his chair.

"Zayn has...misbehaved. I have demoted him to a 5th Rank for it so your spot is open. Would you like to take it back?" Cowell asked. Harry pretended to ponder it for a few moments before a grin spread across his face.

"I'll do it-" Cowell cut him off mid sentence.

"Good." but Harry put up a finger to silence him.

"I'll do it on one condition." he said. "If you demote josh and Niall too."

*3rd Person Higgins*

"What do you need to warn me about?" Louis asked Gary and Barry, confused. Barry started using sign language. "What did he say?" Louis asked Gary.

"He said that the impending war cannot be stopped and that you staying here won't protect the Higgins. You must turn yourself in to save everyone." Gary interpreted.

"Why is he signing?" Louis asked randomly.

"He's not deaf just mute." Gary said and Barry sat there nodding. Louis heard the front door slam and he looked up to be greeted by Liam.

"Hey Liam. Meet my friends Barry and Gary." Louis said motioning to the couch.

"Louis, nothing's there." Liam said furrowing his brow.

"Yeah there is..." Louis trailed off when he saw Gary and Barry weren't there. "Oh."

"I brought your iPod and charger. Figured since nothing was here you would get bored.." Liam said handing his iPod touch over.

"What day is it?" Louis asked sounding a bit dazed.

"Thursday. You came here yesterday, remember?" Liam replied. Louis started swaying side to side and then fell back onto the floor and started tooling around muttering.

"Its been so long...staring at a wall...he won't believe won't believe you..." he was saying. Liam bent down and picked him up before running back to HH to find Maeve.

Maeve was sitting in the Lounge thinking about things. How was she going to bring the downfall to Cowell? Was the most common question she asked herself. She was so caught up in her daydreams she didn't notice Liam had come running in holding a shaking Louis.

"Maeve! Maeve! Are you listening to me?" Liam asked shaking her.

"Huh?" she asked snapping out of her trance. "Oh sorry I was thinking. What happened?"

"I went to return Louis' iPod when I found him shaking and talking to invisible friends named Gary and Barry. What shou-" Liam was cut off by a banging noise outside and a bunch of cheers following it.

"What's going on?" Maeve asked standing up and walking to a window. She looked outside and if heart was still beating, it would've stopped.

Outside was huge crowd of shouting Cowells and the banging was five of them slamming a battering ram against the door. Then she saw it. The glimmering smirk of Harry as he stood by commanding them to keep moving.

*3rd Person Cowells-Back in Time About Two Hours*

Harry stood there smirking at Cowell as he called for josh and Niall to come to his office. A few seconds later they were both standing there confused.

"What's up Cowell?" Niall asked.

"You two have been demoted to 5th. Zayn was already down there. Harry claimed his spot as lead Hunter and declared you guys demoted." Cowell explained in monotone.

"What? Why would he do that?" Josh shouted. Then he spotted Harry smirking off to the side. Josh marched over to him. "You traitor! Why would you do this to your friends?" Josh spat pushing him against a wall. Harry being five inches taller had no trouble pushing Josh down and stepping away from him.

"Woah calm down shorty. I was always the highest up for 200 years. I don't think it's gonna change now." Harry said still smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll do it for you!" josh screamed trying to punch him. Harry held his head down as Josh flailed trying to hit him.

"You see Joshy, I always believed you were my friend too. Then you guys made fun of me just because I was chosen to lead a failed battle." Harry explained in a baby voice.

"Don't call me Joshy!" Josh shrieked lunging at Harry. Harry just side stepped and snapped his fingers making a guard come in.

"Take care of him for me please?" Harry asked the guard. As Josh was being removed from the room, he shouted something to make Harry's nonexistent blood run cold.

"At least when I was in love with a Cowell I had the decency to Transfer!" he shouted referring to Maeve. How did he know?

"Harry, I want you to lead the battle to the HH immediately. We need to get rid of the cure as soon as possible." Cowell said. Harry grinned evilly forgetting that the last vampire war claimed the lives of his family.


Maeve stepped away from the window before dashing to Lou's office. She burst in.

"It's begun. The final battle is here." Maeve said. Lou stood up and walked to the window to see what was going on.

"Round up the troops. We are going to meet them out there." Lou said completely calm. Lou was the oldest vampire Maeve had ever met. She was there for the battle that split the vampires back in 800 A.D. and was there for the little skirmishes that happened here and there for a thousand years before the first Cowell-Higgins war. Now here she is for the second one.

Maeve and Lou ran to the meeting room where every Higgins was waiting including Higgins himself. Maeve walked over and say next to Louis when Higgins spoke.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" he said. "We aren't bringing the Cure out there because then they could easily kill him and win the war." Louis raised his hand.

"What would happen if the Cowells won?" he asked.

"The world would go into utter chaos. Vampires would feast off of innocent humans and eventually take down the whole race." Higgins explained. "If we win, then things will remain the same only without any Cowells in the world. Think of Cowell and Higgins as religions. People choose to follow one of those two ways of life."

Louis nodded slowly. "How about we just go out there and fight them?" someone in the way back shouted. Higgins shrugged. Everyone stood up and marched out the door to meet their fates.

A/N I know I promised the battle would be in this chapter. Technically it is it starts ;) I'm writing this the day Payzer ended aka the end of love and the world!!!! Waah!!!!



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