4 Be Still

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The warrior woke again sometime later to find his vision restored and his head clear of pain until he tried moving. Then his world swam again. "Be still. You are weak. Four suns. You no eat." A disembodied melodic female voice spoke to him from somewhere in the darkness. The voice used the trade tongue which was crude and very basic, but it still sounded as if it were from the heavens. This must be the Faye that rescued him. She had rescued him, hadn't she? Was he dead? He didn't know. He wanted to be. Every bone ached, his blood felt like fire in his veins. His scalp, hands, feet, and shoulder itched, and his throat burned. He felt like he had drunk too much mead and fallen in the river hitting every rock along the way down its frozen slope only to be rescued and stomped by a yak. The only part of his body that didn't currently hurt was his head. His mind drifted in a sleeping but wakeful state, 'Is this what the heavens are like for warriors that died in battle?' He tried to move his shoulder. He cried out in pain. Suddenly small warm hands touched his forehead and his shoulder. He was too weak to fight them off. But that didn't stop him from trying.

"Be still!" He was commanded by that sweet, sweet voice. He did not understand the words, but he knew a scolding tone when he heard one. Despite the sharp tone that voice was delicate music to his ears. The face that owned that voice moved near enough to his that he could see it. Finally, he had a face to go with that voice. Her exotic beauty captivated him. Her almond-shaped eyes were silver, they shone in the darkness, her hair was also silver, her face both angular and round. Her skin was smooth and black as the darkest night. She looked at him. Wonder in those silver orbs. He was instantly terrified. Not only was she a Faye, but she was also a Dark Faye, deadly, cruel, evil, Dark Faye. He tried to move again, and his head swooned. His body would not respond to his pleas. He stared at her with his eyes as wide as he could get them with fear swelling in his heart. She did not move until he resigned himself to his fate. The truth was, he lacked the energy to be afraid any longer.

"Am I dead?" He whispered in his native tongue, his voice at least an octave deeper than any male Faye's she'd ever heard. His eyes were round and wide. "Are you here to kill me?" He spoke nonsense.

"Be still." She commanded again. Looking directly into his eyes. They were green. Were all human eyes green? She knew this was not true, some were the color of the sky and the hair that covered their bodies was yellow. He tried to back away from her. She had attacked him too. Those eyes, those blazing silver eyes.

"Kept sword up." She said again in the trade tongue. It was a guttural language rough and ugly, but her melodic voice made it sound sweet and smooth. "Not dead. Not kill today." He thought maybe she would kill him. He kept straining against her strong hands. "Stupid Human. Be Still." She warned one last time and looked deep into his eyes. She was angry with him. He could see it in those striking silver orbs. Anger was the same for every race. "No Harm." She said. She moved away from him and stood, holding her arms out so he could see that her hands were empty. That's not all he saw. She had no discernable weapons in her hands, none on her belt. She wasn't wearing a belt. In fact, she wasn't wearing much in the way of clothing at all, undergarments maybe? He examined her, trying to keep it simple and assess the threat he faced, but he was male and could easily be distracted by the female form under normal circumstances. In his diminished state, it was all that he could focus on. What clothing she was wearing covered very little of her. Her top left her mid-drift exposed and clung tight to her breast. Her skirt, if one could call it that barely covered her at all. It appeared tattered and torn in places exposing more of her than it covered. It appeared to be made of a soft brownish leather. He couldn't help but notice how her long straight silver-white hair cascaded over her breast and down to her waist. He found her exotic beauty far more enticing than he should have. Those eyes, that hair, those seemingly long endless legs, they all gave him pause. It was not what he was supposed to be paying attention to, but he couldn't help it. He'd never seen a Faye before. How was he supposed to know that they'd be so beautiful? She was built far thinner than human females, and slightly taller than any he'd known, with a tiny little waist he was certain he could easily grip in both hands and his fingers would still touch on her back. How did Faye females carry children inside them? Her shoulders and hips were slight, but much broader than her waist, giving her a very feminine shapely appeal. Her legs were long her feet bare. Crazy inappropriate thoughts flooded his mind at that moment. His cheeks felt hot and flush. He was suddenly very grateful he could grow a beard. "Stupid Human." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest and kicking one leg out to the side and tapping her foot. That image did nothing to help him. Shaking her head, with pure amusement in her gorgeous eyes she said. "NO!" and moved towards him again to check his wound. She was undeniably the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen and most definitely the deadliest one. His eyes widened with fear at her approach.

She stopped moving as she watched the stupid human's eyes grow wide again as she approached him. She couldn't explain why the fear she sensed in him made her heart hurt. She pondered that for a very brief moment before she dismissed the thought as foolish and stupid. She was commanded to save him. And through some miracle she had. Now she needed to leave him. She continued her advance and watched the human struggle to move away from her. "BE STILL! STUPID!" She commanded as loudly as she dared and eyed the human angrily. If he kept moving like that, he would tear the wound open and start bleeding again. "You bleed. You no be still." She said menacingly. She was not able to discern the fact from the threat. The language barrier between them was formidable. She was surprised she could understand his stupid human talk at all. He fought even harder to get away from her. She rolled her silver eyes at him and smiled. Somehow his struggles amused her. "I no hurt. You Be Still." She stepped over him and sat over his waist to hold his legs in place.

What the hell was she going to do to him? He was weak. But he wasn't weak enough that that wouldn't function. Is this what the Faye did to their captives? Raped them? Even the males? She gave him a very scornful look and muttered something in a smooth and melodic language all the while holding his hands at bay. Finally, she smiled a toothy grin and said. "You no be still. You hurt you. You sleep now." He didn't see her hand move. He felt a sharp pain on the side of his head then everything went black. "Stupid Human."

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