22 The Lucky One

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Avriel and Katana settled into a nice rhythm of training. As his need for longer more intense, harder and faster-paced training sessions increased Katana gently obliged and his skill with each weapon he wielded grew. She watched him through the first moons of the Northern winter as a boy developed and grew into a man. He was determined to repay the debt he felt he owed her. She no longer feared that he would leave and attempt to find his way home. He had given her his bond. Although that meant little in the world from which she came it was clear that it meant something else entirely different in his. In her world, one's bond came with the expectation of failure and betrayal. In his world, it appeared to be everything. She believed him.

His increased training hardened, toned and shaped his muscles. He needed to consume more food and water to maintain his health. She could no longer hunt for them both. It was time to let him help care for himself. Time to see just what her training had taught him. But first, he needed to be more aware of his surroundings. He woke early and prepared for training.

"Not today. Kotas," Katana said as she joined him in the training room. She had taken to calling him Kotas instead of whatever it was she had been calling him when she did not give him his name. He honestly didn't know what either meant since she had never bothered with giving him a translation. She gave him his name more and more often and mixed it with Kotas as if Stupid human, Kotas, Avriel, and Avi all meant the same thing; him. when she said either his shortened name or his given name her voice moved through him like no sound ever had. He didn't know what to do with that, so he did nothing. Her voice was smooth and melodic. She made his name sound like a song When she spoke his name or the new name she had given him, it sounded like the stars had come down from the heavens. He loved the way his names sounded on her lips, even though he knew he shouldn't. "Today we explore the cave. Later we hunt."

He failed miserably at hiding his excitement. A huge smile leapt across his face and his green eyes took on a light of their own. She had never seen that expression on his face before. Like everything about him, it made her curious. What did it mean? Was that light in his eyes the thing he called happiness? Did she make him feel that way? Why did seeing it in his eyes make her feel it too? What magic did this human have? What spell had he cast on her? "We will go outside the cave?" His voice came out of his mouth, but she could hardly believe that it was his voice, it was so much higher than normal. His feet moved of their own accord and he was suddenly unable to remain standing in one spot. She knew she liked his teeth, but she had never seen so much of them. After, she liked them even more. That really did not make any sense to her. She wanted to close his mouth for him.

"Yes, to hunt. You eat too much, drink too much. I cannot sustain you anymore alone." He was laughing before he knew it. He walked slowly towards Katana with his hands in clear view and away from his weapons. It had become a habit. He had learned better than to approach her any other way. He'd forever have a small scar on his ribs to remind him of her because he once sought to touch her shoulder and he wasn't fast enough to completely avoid the blade that swung his way. Having a dark Faye for a friend was often dangerous.

Her weapons remained sheathed as he gently wrapped long arms around her. She stood in his embrace for a long second before she mimicked his movement and placed small dark and deadly hands on his muscled shirtless back. Avriel had forgotten himself in his excitement. He hugged Katana to express his gratitude and joy. He released her as soon as he remembered, he wasn't supposed to do that, cleared his throat and smoothed the training kilt he wore. Luckily it was made of heavy leather. He had embarrassed himself again. It seemed he was doing that more and more with her. Katana just stood staring at the stupid human in front of her. She let her eyes slip into the heat sensing vision of her people. He radiated heat, especially from his cheeks, chest, and groin. She smiled and laughed. "Stupid Human". Did he know nothing of his own body? She felt a touch of pride at his obvious reaction to her touch. But the touch itself-confused her. He had enfolded her into some strange embrace that put his strong hands warm on her back. Her laughter broke the tension he felt for his foolishness. He had no business hugging her. No business reacting to her that way.

Soon the human man-child joined her. Stupid Human. "Get dressed to explore the caves. There are several other chambers. You may choose one as your own. It is time you sleep on your own. You are healthy and strong. You do not need to be watched over while you sleep any longer." She smiled at him and nodded. "You have earned this right. You have proven you can defend yourself. Today we hunt. You will be blooded." He didn't need to be asked twice. He bowed deeply to his trainer and mentor and turned about to find his trousers and tunic as well as his boots.

The small cave system did indeed have several other chambers. He chose one closest to their main room. It was practicality really, at least that is what he told himself. The further away the small rooms got from the main chamber the colder they were. "There is no other exit?"

"Through the water." She indicated the pool he bathed in. No wonder it was always colder near the bottom and back wall. "Go. Prepare your space. We will hunt later." Katana dismissed him and went to prepare a meal for them. As he relocated his gear and bed, he wondered how he had gotten so lucky. He honestly didn't know that luck had nothing to do with it.

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