11 What's In A Name

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This was a fun chapter to write in the first place. It was seriously fun to go back through and revise. This chapter grew for an original 940 words to over 2000. That is a big jump in word count. Maybe I'm just wordy. I've been told I repeat myself a lot. Well, if I found it worth repeating then it is important enough to do so.  I added some important thoughts, mostly his, to this chapter and reiterated a few points that are key the tread of the story. Either way. I hope you enjoy. 

Much Love to you.


Shelly Keller

11 What's In A Name

Feeding him became progressively easier for her as he gained more of his strength back. He gained more and more with each passing day. Before long he was able to sit on his own again and feed himself. She continued his linguistic education as he continued to recover. She still nurtured him as if he were an infant because he still couldn't do basic things on his own. He couldn't move beyond sitting himself up, which he struggled with daily. Laying down without just falling over didn't appear to be any easier, but he kept trying. She fed him. Bathed him, typically while he was sleeping, because he would not stand for it while he was awake. His protest got loud and incoherent at times. His movements when she tried to take care of him that way were always erratic and wore him out. At times she would move to bathe him just so he would work up a sweat and then fall asleep. She was teaching him how to speak her language by speaking to him in it. In turn, he shared his language with her. She was surprised that the stupid human was capable of learning anything at all. He was in fact, a very fast learner. Her words rolled off his tongue like he was born to speak them. When her language lacked a word for something his did not, he would use his own language and explain the meaning of it with words that meant almost the same thing in her language and culture and hand motions when he could.


It was more than a fortnight before he could sit on his own. She reduced his feedings to once a day, in the middle of it as far as he knew. The cave she kept him in, was dark most of the time. He could not see light from any of the walls or the opening she came through, so he imagined that it was more an alcove and the entrance was in another chamber. She kept a fire burning for him which kept him warm and reduced the damp in the room. He didn't know if she did that for him on purpose or not, but he knew damp was never good for the injured.

He learned a lot of her from just watching her comings and goings. She was a hunter. She hunted for them to keep him fed, mostly small game and fish, but it was always fresh. She was also an excellent cook, like so good she would be welcomed to cook for the family if they trusted her. That starting him wondering if he should trust her. Naturally, he did. He was still alive, and she was tender and caring in the way she handled him. She didn't have to do anything that she did for him. She could have left him to die. But she didn't. She saved him – He still could figure the how – and took care of him. She was not only a Faye Elf but a Dark Faye Elf. Was the reputation that followed that race of beings wrong? Or was she the greatest exception to it? If he took her home, how would she be received? A Dark Faye standing beside him. How would he? He had no clue. And at the moment he lacked the energy needed to think about it. He closed his eyes and change the subject in his mind. Everything she fed him was full of flavor and very filling. She was very good with her hands. Her touch was light and strong. Her hands helped heal him. It left him wondering if she was a healer. She had to be something of that nature. He was alive and getting better every day; stronger even. He imagined it took a lot of effort to do that. All that he knew of the poison that took him down was that it was supposed to be 100% lethal. That didn't explain what he was doing alive, maybe he was dead and that was his afterlife. Whoever she was, whatever she was, she was blessed by the gods and therefore so was he.

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