29 Determination

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It became impossible to keep Avi off the training floor. When he didn't have a blade in hand, he held two and when that was not the case, he simply became his weapon, expertly wielded in complete control and perfect balance. His feet seemed to glide as he moved, barely touching the floor, never making a sound. He became deadly fluid grace with every step, every move a dance of pure elegance, power, and beauty. Katana watched the smooth and easy play of his muscles as a shirtless Avi moved with a smooth and lissome easy flow with each move transitioning effortlessly into the next. He was a dance of peer agility and beauty, poetry of motion, made of intricately simple, powerfully smooth, easy, lithe movement.

Katana watched him, as he went over routine after routine until his hair was wet and ringed and his torso glistened with sweat. His breathing was steady, strong, even, and true. He'd been training for hours and he showed no signs of needing to stop or slowing down. He seemed to move impossibly fast, his feet always in motion moving effortlessly and silently over the uneven ground as he shifted from attack to defense and back.

Frozen with pride filling her heart, Katana stood in the doorway while Avi's dinner grew cold in the other room. "Enough, Kotas. Put your blades away. Even the great Northern Warrior must take a meal." She smiled at him and waited patiently for him to acknowledge her.

When he did his smile blazed at her from a sweaty face. He completed his circuit and sheathed his borrowed blades. "What is for dinner?"

"Deer stew."

"Oh, Okay, Just meat?"

"And broth." She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Ha! You are amazing," he chuckled lightly. "Next Winter we are going to have to figure out how to store vegetables." Katana tried to hide her surprise at his comment with a soft bit of laughter. She failed. "What?" He turned his brilliant eyes on her and stared her down.

"You said next Winter?" She handed him a large piece of cloth to dry off with.

"Thank you," he spoke the unknown words in his native tongue then switched to Dark Faye "So?" He shrugged, "We will still be together then."

"Will we?"

"Yes. I need to wash up." His tone was serious, matter of fact. They would still be together that time next year, and the next and the next until either his debt was paid or one of them was dead. He held her eyes a little longer then smiled.

She wrinkled her nose at him, "Yes! You do." She flipped his wet hair. "Yuck! Take a bath. I will warm your food again." She wiped her hand on his cloth and went back into the main chamber. "Be fast," she called over her shoulder. He walked away laughing. He could get used to this. Yes, he and Katana would be friends until his forever came for him and he joined his ancestors.

He returned to Katana after a brief bath. She was working over the fire stirring a dish that she made smelled so good it made his mouth water in the cookpot over it. "That smells wonderful." Katana turned abruptly and nearly threw the spoon with one hand while the other went for her dagger. His daggers were in his hands instantly. A small smug smile filled his eyes. She glowered at him, then smiled as he sheathed his daggers and walked into the chamber.

"Well done, Kotas. I did not hear you as you came in."

"I startled you." He was beaming with the pride a man feels at the successful completion of a goal.

"I knew it was you. I was prepared."

"You are always prepared." He complimented without thought. "Sit. I will do this. Is it ready?" He rested his hand over hers on the spoon while he held her eyes with his and slowly smiled. He noted their height difference when she stood, and he found himself looking down into her eyes. For the briefest moment, his mind wandered. He swallowed and smiled again. "I've got it."

Season's Change Winter's Plight Book 1Where stories live. Discover now