15 Shrouded In Mystery

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She looked at him quite very seriously for a long while before turning away and looking at the small pool near her bed. He felt it better to wait in silence, so he said nothing, and just watched the different expressions roll across her face as she thought and remember and watched the firelight reflecting off the surface of the water. After a while, she gave him that grimace of a smile. He supposed it was alright, but if she was ever to meet his family then they would seriously need to work on that. It was far toothier than it needed to be and seemed a little nervous and completely maniacal. He almost laughed thinking about it. She closed her eyes for another long moment and licked her lips before biting the lower one. He didn't know why, but he had to look away from her face when she did that. Well rather he knew why he had to, he just didn't understand it. He felt something that he wasn't supposed to feel. As it crept through him, he tried not to let his imagination carry him away to a place he did not need to go and most definitely shouldn't. He resolved himself to leave as soon as it was safe for him to travel home. It would be for both of their benefits. It was no good for him to have those feelings towards her. She wasn't even human. She was Faye, Dark Faye! If a Human and Faye was unheard of, then a Human and a Dark Faye would be ridiculed, mocked and surely hunted. He most certainly would not be forgiven. He didn't understand how he could feel the way he did for her or that tiny pull she had on him, that was not so tiny anymore. It was misplaced, unwarranted and it got a little bigger every day. He returned his eyes to her face. He really shouldn't have, but if he wanted to have a conversation with her, he had to look at her.

She seemed to be contemplating something. He wasn't sure what. When she finally responded, he wanted to clear his ears and ask her to repeat what she said.

"I am not knowing what you want me to tell you, Avi." When she raised her eyes to meet his, the joy he felt over hearing his name pass her lips died with his response. His heart simply broke in a way he didn't know it could. There was no joy in her eyes and no light in them and only misery her face. It was just pain and a sadness so deep it darkened those silver orbs.

"Ask me what you will. I will do my best to answer you." Her silver and gold eyes seemed so much larger than normal yet somehow more distant and brimmed with tears. Her face looked as if she were reliving memories that hurt her beyond words. He didn't know that she could feel sadness, or pain or anything other than cold and distant. He was shocked and surprised and instantly broken. He wanted to cry himself. She was hurt, hurt somewhere deep inside and he had only himself to thank for making her remember. He hoped he had the power to help her heal and make her forget. For a moment, he felt the same pain that he felt the last time he saw his sister cry. It hurt, hurt him deeply. He felt the tears sting the back of his eyes and swallowed hard. He didn't know what other words would come out of her mouth, but he was certain that they would make him cry himself to sleep later. He reached out to touch her arm but pulled his hand back fearing her response to an unrequested touch from him. He remembered that fear in her eyes as he invaded her space. He did not need to violate it further by touching her. He had a feeling that she would tremble at his touch and it greatly concerned him. He wondered, what, how and who. He wanted to know just about as much as he didn't.

She opened the door for him and that was more than enough. He didn't need to go touching her. That would only make matters worse for them both. He was sure that she would definitely notice and care greatly if he did touch her in any way. He watched her face for any indication that she would hold back. Her expression was sad, but it was also open and honest. It was time to remove some of the mystery that shrouded that lone Dark Elf. He hoped in his heart of hearts that it what he discovered would not be filled with nothing but sadness. He looked down then up into her lovely eyes. He had one question that burned him, one that he needed to know the answer to far more than any other. "What is it that they called you?"

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