16 "Katana"

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Come and explore with me. Get to know this Dark Faye our beloved and precious warrior prince has been hanging out with. Take a looking into the depts of his being and learn a little more about him, his emotions and reactions to the world and the woman he has fallen into. 

This chapter was a fun chapter to write in the first place, but much more fun to revisit and revise with the premise and changes I had in mind for this book. This is where the deviation from what was previously written truly begins as these two characters learn more and more about themselves and each other. It is the beginning of a beautiful journey that they will make together.

I hope you enjoy.


Shelly Keller

She looked at him, her visage changing in an instant. It was suddenly a cross between something he would see on his mother's face and something else he had never seen on any other face. She knew he would ask that of her eventually. She had not expected him to ask her so soon. She knew this time she needed to answer. There was something in his eyes, something different that developed as he regained his strength and his ability to move. She was not sure what it was that she saw in his eyes or if it was because he was human, but she had never seen that look in the eyes of the countless young warriors she had trained. She knew she would need to let him take the offense when they trained soon. He needed it. His training dictated it but so did that something she sensed in him. She could not keep him on the defense, defeating him time and time again, no matter how satisfying it was to her to take a human male down. He needed to feel victory, to taste it, to crave it. Without that sense, his first battle outside of their training room would be his last. That was not saving him. She held his eyes with hers. His eyes were fascinating. She had never seen such a wonderful combination of colors in a set of eyes. She had only seen the red eyes of other Dark Faye and Dark Dwarves and the blue of the one human she wished she had never met. His eyes were not the blue of that human. They were very different. Weren't all humans the same? He was not like that other vile human, not at all. At first, she found that strange and different, too different from the ones she was used to looking at. Then it became normal to her as she spent more and more time with him. They were round in shape. That was odd to her. His lashes were long and dark like his hair. His eyes did not reflect light in the dark. Which meant that they were utterly useless without light.

He had his strength back. He was much stronger, taller and bigger than she was. She had to wonder why she continued to maintain control over him so intensely. Was she afraid of what would happen if she gave him control? She wondered what her Stupid Human would do to her if she taught him how to attack. Was that why she had not taught him to attack as she taught him to defend?

He was proving himself to be a very different kind of human. At first, she found that strange and confusing. He was too different from the ones she had become accustomed to looking at. Then it became normal to her as she spent more and more time with him. His eyes were round in shape. That was odd to her. His lashes were long and as dark as his hair was. His eyes did not reflect light in the dark. They remained pools of darkness on the very rare occasion when the fire was out. That meant that his eyes were utterly useless without light. That was a theory she had already tested.

She watched him as he waited for her reply with her eyes locked to his. His eyes sparkled in the dim firelight, intriguing her. Their color was one she did not recognize. She had no word for it. She thought to ask him but realized that she had not given him her answer. She turned away from him and back to the fire while she debated what to tell him and why she wanted him to know. She struggled with whether or not she should give him the name she was called by. She had called him his as he had requested. He had earned it. Had he earned the right to call her as they had called her? By her accounts he had.

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