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Lacey ran to the bathroom. She emptied the contents of her stomach. She knew what was wrong with her and she didn't like it.

Kendall stood outside and sighed. "Lace. Are you okay babes?" She asked.

"Yeah," she mumbled. She didn't know how to tell her sister that her boyfriend had gotten her pregnant. She knew she needed to tell Simon about it but she was terrified.

Lacey walked into school. She saw Simon and walked over to him. "Can I talk to you? Please?" She asked.

Simon nodded and sighed. He took Lacey to his office and looked at her. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Lacey looked at him. "I'm pregnant. It's your baby," she said. She saw the look on his face.

Simon couldn't believe it. He looked at her. "Are you sure?" He asked.

Lacey nodded. She wiped her tears. "My period is late. I went to the doctor yesterday and she confirmed it," she mumbled.

Simon swore. He didn't want her pregnant. He sighed. "You need to get rid of it."


Simon sighed. "Think of Kendall. Think of how this is going to mess her up. She's pregnant with my baby. How do you think she's going to feel when she finds out I had sex with her sister resulting in her getting pregnant?"

Lacey sat under the stage and cried. She was downing the vodka she had taken from home. She didn't want an abortion but she knew Simon would let her keep the baby.

Lacey came out from under the stage. Simon was there with Kendall. "Lace? What's happened?" Kendall asked.

Lacey felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Ask him," she mumbled.

Kendall frowned and turned to Simon. "What have you done to her?"

"Nothing. I haven't done nothing," Simon said. He glared at her. "She's drunk. Don't pay attention to her."

Kendall rolled her eyes. "She's obviously saying you for some reason Simon. What has happened?"

Lacey sighed. "He hasn't done anything. He's right. I'm just a drunk," she mumbled.

Lacey was sitting in the canteen. Simon sat opposite her. "What the hell are you playing at? You almost told Kendall!" He hissed.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Simon glared. "You're having an abortion. I'll pay for it."

Lacey nodded. "Okay. I'll do what you want me to," she said through the tears.

Simon sighed in relief. He looked at her. "I'll give you the money tomorrow. Get it done as soon as possible. The longer you leave it, the less chance you'll get to have it done."


Kendall knew something had happened between Lacey and Simon. She wanted to know what it was. Kendall walked outside to see Lacey. "Hey."

"Hi," Lacey mumbled. She was crying. She didn't want to get rid of her baby but she knew she couldn't keep it.

Kendall sighed. "Simon is going out tonight. You and me are gonna curl up and watch soppy movies."

Lacey cuddled into her sister. But how could she keep this hidden from her sister?

Mummy's Wild Child {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now