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The officer looked at Christine. Christine had a lump. "It's..."

Christine sighed in relief. "It's not her. It's not our Lacey," she said. She knew now that when Lacey came home, she needed to put things right.

Christine held Kendall close. She knew how much she was struggling with it all. "It's not her. She's still alive. We're going to find her. I promise you," she said.

Christine took Kendall back home. She was in hysterics. She didn't know how to cope with the fact that it could have been her sister that was lying on the metal slab.

Kendall sat on the sofa and sighed. "She's not going to come back. Is she?"

"She will. She has to."

Simon returned home and saw Kendall. She was sitting on the sofa. "Well?"

"It wasn't her. She's still out there," Kendall mumbled. She looked at him. "Don't worry. Ease your guilty conscience. My baby sister is still out there. Alive."

Simon sighed and looked at her. "Look. I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't mean to sleep with her. I don't know why I did it."

"You did though. You had sex with a vulnerable innocent girl and got her pregnant. Forced her into an abortion and she ran away. You're lucky that I've not contacted anyone about this," Kendall spat.

Simon rolled his eyes. "No. You wouldn't do that. Because despite everything that happened with me and Lacey, you still love me."

Kendall scoffed. "Really? You really think that?"

"I know that for a fact."

The next morning, Simon had told Sonya that he wasn't going into work. He was going to find Lacey. No matter what. He would win back Kendall.

Simon got into his car and began driving.

Lacey couldn't go on anymore. She needed something. She needed her sister. But she didn't know how to go back to her after everything.

She sat on the mattress in the run down flat. It had been a few days since she escaped Neil but it hadn't been easy. She had been having cramps in her stomach.

Lacey looked up as someone walked in. "Go home kid. You're too innocent for all of this," she said.

"I can't go home. I messed it all up," she mumbled. She looked at the girl. "I slept with my sisters boyfriend."

The girl sat down next to her. "We've all done so much worse than that. You have the chance to go home and to put things right."

Kendall sat in her classroom. She got a text from Simon;

Outside. Now. I know where Lacey is and we're going to get her - Simon x

Kendall didn't know weather or not to believe it. She knew Simon had form for lying. But she didn't want to get her hopes up.

Kendall walked outside and saw Simon sitting in his car. He quickly got out. "Look, she's in some drug den. She's not looking too good."

Kendall shrugged. "I don't believe you. You'd do anything to try and win me back. But I can't believe that," she mumbled.

Simon drove to where he knew Lacey would be. Kendall didn't go with him as she didn't believe him. He pulled up and made sure to hide valuables and locked his car.

Simon walked inside and grimaced at the sight. Someone came down the stairs. "I'm looking for Lacey. Blonde hair bright blue eyes. You can't miss her."


Simon turned to see Lacey she didn't look like herself. She was covered in cuts and bruises. He couldn't believe what had happened to the once fiery teenager. "Lacey. Come on. I'm taking you home."

Lacey shook her head. "I-I can't go back there. I hurt Kendall. I didn't want to hurt Kendall. She's been like my mum."

Simon smiled. "She's not hurt. No one is. They just want you back. Come on. Your mum, Kendall and Connor, they all miss you."

Simon took Lacey outside and she broke down crying. He held her close. "Shush. It's okay. We're keeping you safe. I promise."

"I-If he finds me, he will kill me," Lacey mumbled. She was out of it and had no idea what she was saying.

Simon frowned. But he knew Kendall and Christine needed to say Lacey.

Simon pulled up outside the school. Lacey was hiding her head. She looked a mess. "Lacey. It's all okay. I promise you. No one here is mad at you. Let's go inside. Everyone is in their classes now and no one will see you."

Reluctantly Lacey agreed. She didn't want to see anyone. Simon opened the car door and Lacey got out.

Christine looked up as Simon walked in. "Oh. Nice of you to finally join us. Where have you been?"

Simon said nothing. But he moved out of the way so Christine could see Lacey. "L-Lacey."

Christine stood up and walked over. Lacey backed away from her. Simon sighed. "She won't let anyone touch her."

"But I'm her mum."

Simon turned to Sonya. "Can you get Kendall up here please?"

Lacey was standing in the corner of the office. She didn't want anyone to see her. The door to the office opened and Kendall walked in. "What's all this about?"


Kendall broke down crying when she saw her baby sister. But she didn't look like her Lacey. "L-Lacey, you're back."

"D-Don't touch me," Lacey mumbled. She began to shake as people walked in.

Kendall and Christine took Lacey back home. Kendall ran her a hot bath and picked her out some clean clothes.

While she was in the bath, Christine looked at Kendall. "Something happened to her. She won't let anyone touch her and she flinches when more than one person is in the same room as her."

Kendall nodded. But would they ever find out the truth about what had happened to Lacey? Would they even handle the truth about what happened?

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