4. New friend

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Keerthi's Pov

After an hour of volunteering, Nithish headed to inquire about switching places. right after he left a guy approached me and started small talks intentionally more like flirting making me feel suspicious about his sudden antics.

I never knew him before, nor does he know me, why would he try to grab my attention.

But soon I found my answer when I caught the guy he was trying to save. "hey, you... stop right there what are you trying to steal?" I yelled at him. He was none other than the same guy who troubled me earlier. Within he could reply, I further yelled, "are you stalking me? Don't tell me that you taking out revenge on me just because I slapped you"

"I guess you dream a lot, why would I stalk a girl like you, you aren't worth it", he smirked.

Soon student secretary came running towards us and cleared the crowed over there. "it was me who gave him permission to take some desserts" he spoke out in a low voice.

"but he should have told me earlier, why did he try to sneak out-"

"I suppose we don't need your approval", he walked off not minding.


Gautham's Pov

Rohan plays guitar and he is a vocalist too, with his performance at fresher's party, he was selected for the Fine Arts Club (FAC). Just like school days, with no where to go, i accompanied him for the Club activities after college. In the introduction, A girl from ece department introduced herself to be Harini and initiated the session with a melody, she looked pretty, all the boy's eyes were glued onto her and Rohan isn't any exception. while the rest admired her beauty I rather found her voice to be more beautiful than her.

After the session I found that girl standing in corridor helplessly amidst few boys. One among them even offered to drop her home, although she preferred to go by herself. no matter how hard she tried to avoid them politely they were reluctant, not able to withstand it anymore I decided to help her.

"I was looking for you, where have you been all this time, let's get back home it's already late," I called out her, grabbing every one attention while She looked at me in amuse.

"Who are you?" one of the boys asked me.

"I am her cousin" I replied winking at her.

Understanding the situation, she too played along and it made the work easier. Once the brats left the place, she thanked me once again and took a leave.

"am i dreaming?", Rohan pinched himself, walking upto me


"my almighty introvert friend is making a first move, how in the world did it happen? by chance, did you fell for her?"

"bull shit, i just helped her out, nothing else"



After that incident Harini and we got friends. One day she invited me to her birthday party. The party was held at Le Meridian hotel and the party hall was filled with many elderly people, few girls of our age, with some old songs as background music. It didn't sound like a birthday party hall, at first we thought we entered the wrong hall and When we are about to leave Harini rushed towards us and took us out of the main hall.

"Don't tell me this is your party?" Rohan exclaimed at her.

Her sad face and unspoken words gave me the answer. "is it a party arranged by your parents?" I asked her for which She nodded in response.

All the parents are same they are worried about their status, not their children's happiness

"It's fine don't worry we are here to make your birthday special," I gave an assurance smile.

"it would have been nice if you had invited girls also to this party " Rohan muttered.

"I have invited a few" Harini replied laughing at him

"before introducing them I have to introduce you guys to my best friend" Harini spoke all excited

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