11. Jealousy incarnate

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Being disturbed by the Sunrays peeking through curtains, I opened my eyes to narrow slits and lifted my head.

Urgh, a sharp pain lanced through my head as if someone hit me with a rod.

Wait! How did I come back to the room? My Clothes have been changed?

On looking around I found my clothes thrown down right beneath the bed, Confusion filled my mind and I sat up straight immediately in swift, ignoring the pain. Different scenarios started to play on my mind.

Sounds of opening doors brought me back to reality and it was Gautham.

"did you wake up?", he asked out on noticing me awake

"what are you doing in my room?"

"it is my room"

"why the heck am I in your room? What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything but you did a lot yesterday", he smirked

I was quite tensed by his reply and tried to remember hard but all I could remember was fainting in his arms.

"What did I do yesterday? Who changed my clothes?", I stuttered out

"don't you remember? you threw up on me, danced on the middle of the road, hit me but I piggy banked you back to the room"

"what about my clothes?"

"one of the staff in the hotel changed it, don't let your imaginations fly off you aren't my type"

"argh, as if-" "then what's yours type, i am sure its boring as you-"

"why? Are you too curious?," he scoffed off while huffed in annoyance

"just go already, i have to get changed-"

"Hereafter don't drink when I am not around, I don't want you to be piggy banked by someone else", as he spoke I noticed his wistful eyes all of a sudden filled up with care and affection. After a few seconds of glaring at each other, he just left out of the room without any explanation.

Gautham's Pov

Later Evening I returned back to the hotel with a gift to surprise Keerthi but life is a ruthless bitch nothing ever goes as planned. As soon as I entered Keerthi room to my dismay I found nithish there. I was so annoyed at the sight of him.

"come in Gautham, we were actually waiting for you", she exclaimed on seeing me.

"you didn't tell me anything about his arrival"

"actually even I don't know anything about it, it was a surprise, leave that let's go out for dinner"

"I am not hungry", I walked off to my room slamming the door. The thought of her alone with him infuriated me. Later on, calming down myself I walked back to her room but it was locked. To make it worse her phone was out of reach. Tensed up, I walked out in search of her.

After a few hours of search, I found her in a restaurant with nithish, chatting with him leisurely.

Keerthi's Pov

While nithish and I were enjoying the dish Gautham stormed into the restaurant and dragged me out in rage. As he held my wrist too tight I cried out in pain to leave me. 

"what the f*** are you doing here?" he shouted at me on leaving my hand.

"mind your words Gautham"

"I have been trying to reach you for the past two hours, but here you are enjoying the meal with your so-called friend"

"Why are you after me if it's so hard? Why are so concerned about me? what am I to you?"

"because I am your- "

He paused in the midway and left the place without any further explanation.


*last night*

As Gautham carried her in his arms she held onto him tight and blabbered, "Gautham .... Gautham I like you... I want us..." 

When she is about to complete her sentence the rain poured down hard and on witnessing it Keerthi freed herself from Gautham and danced in rain in the middle of the road. 

Gautham couldn't resist her from dancing, she went on completely out of control. upon jamming around Keerthi stumbled upon herself but Gautham acted quick held her in his arms at the right time.

"oh you held me at right time, just like the fairy tales" "oh wait! are we in one of them?" she giggled.

"you look charming!"  " will you be my-", she passed out on his arms.

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