27. Dance Monster

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It had been a long day for you. You woke up early to the sound of your neighbor's dog barking its head off, instantly putting you in a foul mood. Then, when you went to drink your morning cup of coffee you burnt your tongue and ended up spilling it all over your favorite shirt. Later in the day, you got into a fight with your boss and got sent home early from work without pay.

To try and cheer yourself up, that night you decided to go clubbing with your friends. You really needed to let off some steam and just lose yourself to some good music. However, not two songs in, you severely twisted your ankles in your 6-inch heels and found yourself spending the rest of your night in the emergency room instead.

You had ice against your ankle and were in a lot of pain. In walked a group of guys in short shorts surrounding a screaming man holding his lower abdomen and grinding his hips.

"The baby's coming!" he shrieked. "I think I'm crowning!"

He then fell to his knees and proceeded to do this:

He then fell to his knees and proceeded to do this:

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