45. As Sweet As Suga

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You found yourself in a coffee shop, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your hot date you found on Tinder. It had been a while since your last date, so you were pretty excited at the prospect of new love on your horizon. You nervously tapped your nails against the table you were sitting at, as you watched the minutes tick by on the clock above the door.

An hour went by and there was still no date to be found. It had become apparent that you had been stood up. Just great!

So many emotions clawed their way up your throat, as your humiliation, anger and depression kicked in. You swiftly stood up from your seat, your chair loudly scraping against the floor as you did so. You kept your eyes down in shame as you dashed towards the door. You could feel all eyes on you. Shame colored your cheeks a deep scarlet.

When you were almost to the door, you felt a man's hand grab your wrist, his long fingers overlapping the circumference of your bone. You turned and saw the sweet face of your best friend, Yoongi. His wide brown eyes were full of concern for you.

"Y/N," he said softly. "Hey, what's wrong? Come sit down with me."

He gently guided you to the corner table that he had been sitting at for the last hour without your knowledge and you sat.

"I was stood up!" you said, tears threatening to spill from the corners of your eyes.

Yoongi looked at you and smiled sweetly. "No, you weren't," he said.

"Yes, I was!" you argued. "The guy said he would meet me here at 2 o'clock. It's past 3 now. I'm so embarrassed." You hid your face in your hands.

Yoongi let out a gentle laugh and pulled your hands away from your face. "Hey, stop," he said. "Don't hide your face from the world. It's too pretty."

Your cheeks were now blushing for a whole 'nother reason.

"What was the guy's name who stood you up?" he asked.

"Like it matters," you answered. "I'll never see him again."

"Come on," he urged. "I need to know his name so I know who I'm going to have to beat up for you."

At this you laughed and relented. "Fine. His name was M--"

"Mark," he finished for you.

"H-how did you know?" you asked, astonished. "I never even told you about this date before."

Yoongi gave you a gummy smile. "I know because I am Mark," he said simply.

"What?!" you screamed, slapping him on the sleeve of his coat, then sneaking in a tight squeeze of his bicep. He had clearly been working out since the last time you saw him.

"I'm Mark," he repeated. "I set up that date with you because I wanted to spend some time with you and it seemed like lately you've been too busy to make time for me."

"Yoongi," you cut in. "It's not like that. I could never be too busy to hang out with you."

"I know. I know," he said. "I've been busy too."

A heated silence filled with all kinds of tension followed.

After a few awkward beats, Yoongi looked up at you and said, "So, do you want to go out with me?"

After a few awkward beats, Yoongi looked up at you and said, "So, do you want to go out with me?"

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