37. Welcome, First Time with BTS?

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"Y/N, it's your mother! Call me back." BEEP!

You hung up your phone with a sigh and then tossed it onto your bed. Your mom was always nagging you and right now you just didn't have it in you to deal with it. You were too tired.

You continued to lie on your bed, and the minutes ticked by, as guilt slowly consumed your entire being.

"Gah!" you growled to no one. "Fine! I'll call her! You hear that God? I'm being a good daughter. I better get some credit for this shit."

You speedily dialed her number, carelessly punching in the wrong digits, and unknowingly bringing up the FaceTime app. Hey, I told you that you were tired, didn't I?

Someone picked up after the third ring... but it was definitely not your mother.

 but it was definitely not your mother

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It was Kim goosh.darn Namjoon!

What would you do?

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