110. 2Seok: The Two Grooms

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Congratu-freakin-lations! You are getting married today! I ain't jealous. I'm just crying into my Yakisoba noodles because they're spicy, that's all.

Anyway, it was a true love story you and your fiance had. You met Seokjin two years ago on a beautiful winter day when you slipped on a patch of ice and fell onto him, sending his hot cocoa flying into the air and scalding you both. As he held you in his burning arms, he felt his heart (and part of his face) melting for you, and the two of you have spent every day together ever since.

So of course you were tickled as a pear named Perry to be marrying the love of your life today.

Only, uh oh! Here comes trouble. When you peeked out the doors that led down the aisle to the alter, Seokjin was nowhere to be found? 


He texted back: sorry, love. bit of a situation here in my dressing room. don't worry. i'll take care of it.

"Ska!" You put your phone down and tried not to turn Bridezilla on his ass, tearing apart the building trying to find him. Instead, you sank down into a chair, and hoped that everything would go according to plan... for a few seconds. Then you took off in search of Seokjin. 

Found him! You discreetly peeked your head in the crack of the door.

Inside of Jin's changing room was an unwanted visitor. It was your ex, Hoseok. And let me tell you something about Hoseok, he may look like a happy chipmunk 85% of the time, but when he's mad... you best look the fook out, boitch. You do not want to mess with a mad Hoseok. And today, Hoseok was furious.

"There's no way in effing heck," he said, voice dark and deep as a boiled slug as he stared Seokjin down, "that you are going to be marrying my Y/N. I won't allow it. I'll be going in your place."

He then brought up his dom daddy hand and pointed it like a gun at your fiance, trying to scare him off.

He then brought up his dom daddy hand and pointed it like a gun at your fiance, trying to scare him off

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