47. Infires Man

350 21 57

You and your boyfriend are enjoying a leisurely day at the mall. The two of you just spent the last few hours shopping, when your stomach growls. Your boyfriend pokes you in your tummy and laughs, suggesting that the two of you go get some frozen yogurt to alleviate your hunger. You agree and the two of you head off to the FroYo place, hand in hand.

Along the way, you cross the path of a man your age, sporting a head of vibrant green hair. As you pass, he whistles through his teeth and catcalls after you. "Sexy!" he practically purrs as you pass.

Your boyfriend immediately goes off his nut and starts to attack the green haired man, striking him dead on the nose. The whole scene is very scary but also somehow very sexy, like something straight out of a K-Drama.

 The whole scene is very scary but also somehow very sexy, like something straight out of a K-Drama

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