106. John Cook

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Thank you very much for the super good request from TheRomanprincess461. I needed some inspiration and your ideas are always 👌.

There was a boy in your bed.

No, no. Don't be alarmed. You knew him. He didn't just jump out of your fireplace and crawl into your bed like some kind of demonic hobgoblin from Hell. He was your best friend since practically forever. 

You know what else he was since practically forever?

Your crush.

Yup, we're going with that old cliche because, screw you, it's cute, and besides, I'm the Queen of Cliches. Hi, how ya doin? ✋

Anywoo, your parents ain't home. Maybe they're dead. Maybe they're out at a motel somewhere with champagne and roses trying to rekindle their love (barf). Maybe they're just outside on your lawn in a tent and sleeping bags or tied to a tree. I don't know your parents. I don't know what kind of people they are. I don't know what they're into. They could be doing anything. What's important here is that they are not. Here, that is. They gone.

Moving on. Jesus.

You invited Jungkook over and he said yes because your bed was pretty comfortable, though it was covered in random sticky blotches and the stray ant here and there that always seemed to wanna stay. Right now the two of you were play fighting in said bed and it was getting rather *clears throat and tugs on collar* intense. 

"OH MUH GAWD, KOOKIE DOOKIE!" you cackled like... uh... a cackler. Yeah, let's go with that. "STOP!"

So you're cackling and he's tackling and next door you can hear your neighbor spackling, when all of the sudden, you're teetering on the edge of the bed. Your heart said, "Fuck ya, you're a dirty hag," and died in your chest. In the next moment, you were going DOWN, b.

So what did you do, you sexy brained asssss? You grabbed onto Kookie's shirt, cuz bitch, if you're going down then you're sure as hell taking him with ya.

"And I oop-"

You landed on your back with a dull thud-a-rooni. Jungkook stopped himself from crashing down into you, tooth to tooth, and good thing too. I hear rabbit teeth are rather sharp. He hovered above you, basically in the push-up position, and it didn't surprise you one bit. This sexy fool was always squeezing in one more workout wherever he could get it.

But the thing is, he looked good, mama. To you anyway. Not to me. I'm a J-Hoe. But to you, oh God! You had never been so aroused in all your young life.

As he stared down into your soul, you could not look away.

Finally, his lips set into motion. "What do you want?" you heard him say.

 "What do you want?" you heard him say

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So the question is:

What would you do?

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