73. The Eldest and the Edible

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Thanks so much for 1k+ upvotes on this book! 

With just a few small clicks a day you too can save an author's ego. Anyway, this chapter is a request from CrackdaddyJoce (even though it's 2 months late HEEHONK!). 

And, as always, if you have an idea for a request, lemme know!

So you were hanging out with your most handsome friend, Bang PD - err- I mean, Kim Seokjin of course HAHAHAHAHA, just sitting on the couch watching Shrek and laughing hard, trying not to piss your pants essentially. After a particularly dumb joke made by Jin, you held your twat and squeezed tight, praying to whatever the fuck you believe in that you wouldn't spring a leak. 

Jin's loud laughter sliced up your eardrums pretty badly, making you laugh even harder though you were in considerable pain. "BATHROOM!" you wailed, sprinting off the couch and to the nearest shitter. You had, mercifully, made it to the toilet in time and let out a sigh of relief as the sweet yellow nectar poured out of you. I'm not gonna write about you wiping or any of that stuff. I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself.

Anyway, while you were in there, Jin felt a little snacky. With bursts of laughter still rolling out of him in dying waves, he made his way into your kitchen to see what was good. The two of you were real close friends, you're welcome. He opened up your fridge like he owned the place and his eyes lit up at the sight of a tray of brown rectangles.

"OOoooOooh, brownies!" he sang, twiddling his crooked fingers at them before snatching the tray, slamming the fridge shut with a kick of his handsome leg and placing them on the counter to peel back the delicate layer of Saran wrap. 

Namjoon: *sings* Saran, Saran, Saran!

Sorry, back to your regularly schedule chapter now...

Jin freed the brownies from their clingy prison and proceeded to shove one into his gaping mouth hole. "MmmM! Yum!! WOW!!" Various Eat Jin noises poured out of him as he worked his jaws up and down.

By the time you made it out of the bathroom, he had devoured three brownies. (You had a lot of pee, I don't know...) Hearing you washing your hands (if you even bother with that nonsense), he hurriedly put the cling wrap back over the brownies after trying to arrange them so it looked like he hadn't eaten any. (I see you, Jin. I see you. 👀)

He ran back to the couch and plopped his flat ass down just as you were making your way back to the sofa. 

"Where were you?" you asked him from behind narrowed eyes.

"Oh, nowhere~," he said in that singsong voice of his. He even peppered in a few laughs to try and pull you off his trail.

It worked. You rolled your eyes and just chocked it up to Jin being Jin. You clicked the remote and put Shrek back on. You were just at the part where Fiona sang so high she made a bird explode when you noticed Jin behaving strangely, even for him.

Beside you, he was tugging at his collar and making sexu faces at you. Was this handsome bastard trying to SEDUCE you?

 Was this handsome bastard trying to SEDUCE you?

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"Ah, Y/N!" he gasped out. "Suck Jin! Suck Jin!"

"The fuq!?!" you wondered aloud.

"Please! Suck my swan neck!" he carried on.

"Jin, the hell happened to you while I was pissing?" you said.

"Nothing! I swear! I just had three of your brownies in the fridge and now I'm soooooo horny!"

Your eyes went wide. Jin had just eaten three of your pot brownies and was higher than a kite.

What would you do?

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