116. I Purple Nurple You

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Quarantine has been rough on us all, but it's been especially tough on you so far. Not because you contracted the Corona virus. No, that would have been a definite improvement on your situation, because then at least there would be a chance you might actually die, thus saving you from the hell that has been your life for the last two weeks. You had no idea when it would end, either. You only hoped that it would before you smothered your roommate Taehyung with a big, fluffy pillow.

Lemme back the story up a bit, to add some sexual contextuals. Not really sexy at all actually, unless you consider his buzzsaw snoring hot in some kinky sorta way. But don't you worry, Mama Kiwi gonna explain everything in good time.

Your family had been friends with Taehyung's family since before you were even aware that your daddy's sperm was swimming into your momma's egg, wiggling its way into what would become YOU. Growing up, Taehyung was always around, since your mom and his mom had made a pregnancy pact to get knocked up at the same time. Let's just hope it wasn't in the same room, eh? 

You and Tae even shared a birthday.  From the ages of 1 - 14, until you had begged your mother to let you have a Twilight-themed slumber party with your own friends instead, you and Taehyung celebrated combined birthday parties.

This may sound cute, sweet, darling even... but let me tell you, babyshark, it was anything but. You see, ever since Taehyung had uttered his first words, (ooh, pears, nummies~!) he had made it his life's mission to torture you, it seemed.

A brief history of Y/N and Taehyung:

Kindergarten: He shoved a purple crayon up your nose and told the teacher you were snorting instead of sharing.

First Grade: He poured half a bottle of glue to your chair hoping you'd stick. (You stood all day instead and when the teacher asked you why you would do that to your chair, you cried; Tae laughed.)

Second Grade: Everyday Tae was bangin' bangin'.

Third Grade: He spread a nasty rumor that you ate boogies and several people, including your crush, Garfunkel, believed him.

Fourth Grade: On Valentine's Day he gave everyone a card but you; he gave you chicken pox instead.

Fifth Grade: He threw a red ball at you on the playground and pointed and laughed and screamed, "Look, Y/N got her period!"

I'mma stop there. As you can see, his immaturity has made us all much dumber as a result, most of all me, since I had to write it all down. Just the facts though. 

Back to 2020, since it's such an amazing year so far. My eyes just rolled so hard. 2020 sucks. As does your life right now, smushed in a 2 bedroom house with the Kim family. As you can imagine, you and Taehyung were forced to share a room like you were little kids again, though you and Taehyung were both 24 years old now.

The first few days you'd been lucky, winning Rock, Paper, Scissors consistently, and earning the bed all for yourself while Taehyung slept on the floor like a dog. (Or as J-Hope would call it - a dawg.) The next straight week, Taehyung won, and suddenly you were the dawg on the floor. Your back was killing you as a result. 

But after that... oh sweet, fresh, stanky Hell... after ten rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors, you are Tae had still been tied. It seemed like you were going to have share a bed now. Surprisingly enough, it worked out alright. Taehyung, a natural born cuddler, held you all night in the small twin bed, and didn't try anything funny. So you decided a sleeping Taehyung was 3000 times better than an awake one, and decided to just share the bed from now on. 

Although, when the morning came, something happened that might just make you change your mind, instead jumping out the second story window and swan diving onto your head, welcoming the sweet release of death. 

It was sort of cold in the mornings, Spring, after all, had finally sprung. As did your nipples from beneath your lightweight sleep shirt. 

When you woke up, Taehyung was already gone. In the bathroom, you suspected, based on the sounds of the running water from the tap. Probably brushing his teeth with his finger or something similarly weird. You got up and stretched, drinking in a little bit of the late morning light that crept in through the sheer curtains that hung from the windows of your room. 

Like I said, it was cold, so your nipples were out and proud, greeting Taehyung head on as he padded back into the room in his plaid housecoat. What did Taehyungie do? Did he act mature about it, realizing it was the body's natural response to cold? No... of course he didn't. What he did do was stand right in front of you, staring at you with those wide, playful eyes of his, a smirk smeared across his face the same way you'd like to smear some shit there instead, as he twisted his fingers in front of your nipples. Little shit!

Taehyung was going to purple nurple you!

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Taehyung was going to purple nurple you!

What would you do?

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