78. Bitch Ass Bias

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Yeah, that's right. Two J-Hope chapters in a row. Whatchu gonna do about it, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. You wanna fite? Bitch, hold my Sprite. This is a Hoseok household, okrrrt?

So there's this boy, right? And you've liked him for a while now, cuz like, he's the only one you know who gives you coochie butterflies. You also think he might like you too only he's such a big ass tease it's really hard to tell whether he actually likes you or is just playing games.

One day he'll be real sweet with you. The next he's making fun of your granny panties even though he KNOWS you like to be comfortable. Pffft!

Anyway, it's getting to the point where you're either about to beat the shit outta him or kiss the shit outta him. One way or another you are getting some shit outta this dude soon.

Like take today for instance. You wanted to look nice because you knew you'd be seeing him. So you wore something a little low cut and revealing, hoping to entice him with your sweet sweater puppies. But the freaking minute he sees you he goes, "Ooh! Look at me! I'm Y/N and I got bewbs!" and shimmied his freaking shoulders at you.


What would you do?

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