59. Kumamon

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You got yourself a summer job to help pay for your crippling K-Pop addiction. The gig would last six weeks and you would have to dress up in a giant black bear costume and stand around the mall, hugging little kids and letting people take pictures with you. The inside of the costume smelled like old crusty boogers and failure but the pay was alright, so you said yes and became the new Kumamon mascot.

One day, six hours into your shift, just as you thought that the suit was about to overflow with your sweat from the intense heat inside the costume, you noticed a short man skip over to you with bright blond hair and a gummy smile.

He looked as happy as a kid on Christmas morning and came up and gave you a great big hug. Upon closer inspection, you realized that this was no ordinary man child. This was Min Yoongi! You started hugging him harder and rubbing your hands up and down him in excitement.

He is pretty into it, it looks like. I think you have a chance with him, I gotta say.

 I think you have a chance with him, I gotta say

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