Ship: Jachary
Famous or nah: Nah3rd person
Zach was changing his 1 year old adopted daughter, Sara, while his 4 year old twins, Kamri and Hayleigh, got ready for the park.
"Ready to go girls?" Zach shouted up the stairs. His two daughters came running down and he smiled at them.
"Yeah!" Hayleigh shouted. The girls were mini images of their father, who died while giving birth to them, dark brown eyes, dark hair, and small bodies. Zach smiled at them then put Sara into her stroller, he helped put the girls' shoes and jackets on before putting on his own. They walked outside then started walking to the park.
When they got to the park Zach gave Hayleigh and Kamri the ok to go play then he watched them closely as Sara slept in her stroller.
About 20 minutes later Sara started crying. Zach picked her up and cradled her in his arms.
"Shh, it's ok," he whispered.
After a few minutes she still wasn't calming down so Zach gave her a blanket and she held it but she was still sobbing. Zach checked her diaper and there wasn't anything and she ate before they left so there was not much that he could do at this point. Zach just kept bouncing her lightly and placed gentle kisses on her forehead. He didn't even notice but a boy about his age sat next to him.
"You ok there?" the boy asked, scaring Zach. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"No it's ok. I'm just having issues getting her to calm down," Zach replied.
"Need a break? I can hold her for a while," the boy offered.
"No no, it's ok," Zach said. The boy nodded then smiled.
"Is this your only kid?" the boy asked.
"No, I have twins, over there," Zach said then pointed to the two girls playing tag.
"They don't look like you," the boy said quietly.
"They look like their dad," Zach said, tears threatening to fall form his eyes. Sara started calming down and she fell asleep in Zach's arms.
"If you don't mind me asking, did something happen to him?"
"He died giving birth to them," Zach answered with his head down. He smiled slightly at the sight of his sleeping daughter and he gently placed her back in the stroller.
"You love them a lot, don't you?" The boy asked.
"Yeah, they're my everything," Zach replied then looked up at him.
"If you need any help just call me, ok?" The boy asked and handed Zach a piece of paper with his number.
"Ok, thanks um."
"Jack," the boy finished.
"Zach," Zach said to Jack. Zach hugged Jack and thanked him before Jack walked off. Zach sat back down on the bench and watched the girls play for a bit longer before calling them to leave.
When they got back to their house Hayleigh and Kamri were exhausted so Zach tucked them into bed for a nap, then he put Sara in her crib while she was still sleeping. Zach went back downstairs and sat on the couch, he pulled out the paper from his pocket and called Jack.

WDW bxb stories
FanfictionJust a bunch of boy x boy imagines with your favourite ships! (I promise they get better, I didn't know how to write when I started this book😂) Requests open!! ⚠️ I DONT WRITE SMUT ⚠️ [COMPLETE. But I have a second book if u wanna check it out:) ]