🌈🧸 you know that pimple on your face that just showed up? It's ok hun, everyone gets them, you still look gorgeous
Third person
Zach ran his fingers over the flowers. He sat in a field of sunflowers. This is where Daniel took him for their first date. They laid on a blanket and looked at the stars on top of a hill, surrounded by sunflowers. It was perfect.
Zach smiled, but it soon turned back into a frown when he remembered why he was there. Him and Daniel got into a fight, it was bigger than any other one they've ever had.
He looked at the sky, the clouds danced around happily and the sun was smiling brightly at the earth. Zach sighed as he laid down, feeling the soft grass on the back of his neck.
He took in the sweet, familiar scent of the yellow flowers. Ever since Zach and Daniel started dating, Daniel would surprise Zach with sunflowers once in a while. Zach couldn't be more grateful.
Zach stared at the sky as a few tears ran down his face. He regrets everything, the things he called Daniel, the things he said, even the things he did. He didn't mean to hurt Daniel, even though it was only a light shove.
Zach zoned out and looked into the beautiful sky.
Zach jumped when he heard a soft voice.
"Zach," a soft, yet familiar, voice said. Zach turned towards the voice, that's when he saw Daniel walking towards him.
Daniel walked over to Zach and sat beside him, but he left a few feet of space between them. Zach didn't look at Daniel, he couldn't bare to see the pain he caused him. "Zach baby, I'm so sorry for everything. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just mad and at the time it seemed right. I'm sorry," Daniel explained. Zach took a couple deep breathes before crawling into Daniel's lap. He laid his head against Daniel's chest and hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean anything I said or did," Zach said quietly. Daniel smiled softly and pulled the small boy closer.
"I forgive you Zachy, do you forgive me?"
Zach gave a small nod.
"I forgive you Dani."
Zach looked up at Daniel and Daniel softly pecked his lips.
"I love you so much baby boy," Daniel mumbled against Zach's lips.
"I love you too."
A/N I hope your day is as fantastic and amazing as you are❤️

WDW bxb stories
FanfictionJust a bunch of boy x boy imagines with your favourite ships! (I promise they get better, I didn't know how to write when I started this book😂) Requests open!! ⚠️ I DONT WRITE SMUT ⚠️ [COMPLETE. But I have a second book if u wanna check it out:) ]