Just a bunch of boy x boy imagines with your favourite ships! (I promise they get better, I didn't know how to write when I started this book😂)
Requests open!!
[COMPLETE. But I have a second book if u wanna check it out:) ]
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Third person
Recently Jonah has been ignoring Jack, at least that's what Jack thinks.
Jonah been hanging out with his friends, Daniel and Corbyn. Almost every night he's out with them until at least 10 or 11 pm. And every night Jack would stay awake and wait for him to get home, and when he asked questions Jonah would turn them down and go to bed.
Jack sat on the couch, once again waiting for Jonah to get home.
Eventually the door opened and Jonah walked into the house. Jack walked over to Jonah with his arms crossed.
"Where were you?" Jack asked sternly.
"Nowhere baby," Jonah said as he wrapped his arms around Jack's waist.
"No Jonah, it wasn't nowhere, you don't stay at nowhere until 11 at night without telling me," Jack said and pulled away from Jonah. "Be honest, where were you?"
"Don't worry about it love," Jonah said, moving closer to Jack. Jack moved back even more to get away from him.
"Are you cheating on me?" Jack asked as his eyes glossed over.
"No baby, I'm not, I wouldn't do that to you," Jonah explained quickly.
"Then where the fuck have you been for the past two weeks? What the fuck were you doing at 11 pm?" Jack asked, his voice cracking from tears falling.
"Baby, I wasn't cheating, I was planning a date for us. And I was with Corbyn and Daniel so they could help me make it perfect for you," Jonah explained as he walked closer to Jack. Jack finally gave in and hugged Jonah tightly.
"You promise?" Jack asked gently.
"I promise baby," Jonah comforted while rubbing Jack's back.
"What's the date?" Jack asked curiously.
"If you really want to know, we're going to Disney Land for a week, we're leaving in three days," Jonah explained with a smile. Jack's face lit up in excitement.
"Really?" Jack asked.
"Thank you," Jack said as he hugged Jonah tightly. Jonah hugged the smaller boy tightly and rocked them back and forth gently.