Wha-What happened? F-Father?

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I let out a groan as I rebooted. I looked around seeing the beginning of the original universe. "There you are, sweetheart. Your reboot took longer than usual." Amaterasu said as he let his dragon wings fold up against his back. "Daddy! Can we go through this timeline before we go back home?" I asked him as he helped me stand and took my hand as we walked through the ruins. "Of course, hatchling. Here." He said softly as he put the warm, fur lined sweatshirt on me. I let out a soft giggle and pulled the hood over my head. The smile I had on my face stayed even as we approached Flowey. I zoned out until something hit my SOUL. I yelped and gently grabbed the trembling yellow and blue SOUL. Yellow tears started to fall from my eye sockets. A dark red dragon wing blocked Flowey's view of me. "THaT wAs yOuR LaSt MiSTaKE!" Amaterasu yelled at him. I felt his arms wrap around me a few minutes later and I turned around and hid my face in his neck as I held the SOUL up for him to heal. I relaxed and slowly fell asleep against him.


When I woke up, Amaterasu was yelling at someone. I whimpered in fear which made everyone turn to me. I slowly stood up and launched into the air as wings that looked like the midnight sky appeared on my back. I let my magic form a platform for me stay on. I blacked out as my SOUL crashed.

Amaterasu P.O.V.

I sighed softly as my rainbow soul appeared and split into two separate SOULs. One was light colors while the other was dark colors. Edmund appeared beside me with his insane grin stretched across his face. "Come on Rasu! I wanna fight!" He said impatiently. "Yeah, yeah. I got it, you impatient shit." I told him in a playful tone. "Error.exe has crashed. Reboot? Yes. N... Confirm." We all heard it from where Error had landed. "Yes." The answer came immediately cutting it off from saying no. "Reboot starting now. Reboot shall finish in 10 minutes. Reboot shall finish in 10 seconds. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Reboot has finished. Error.exe starting up." The voice was coming from his SOUL. "UHg. W-WhAT HaPPeNed? THe LaSt tHInG I reMemBer is C-CraSHinG. RAsu W-wHat HaPpeNed?" Error asked me. I flew up to him and picked him up, flying back to the ground. I placed him on the ground as a brightly colored Sans jumped off the platform and landed near us. "Hey Glitchy. I see you finally got Rasu back. But are you okay? You're not injured anywhere, are you?" Fresh asked him softly. I took a couple steps back to let Fresh check Error over which I gave a soft chuckle to. "F-Fresh! I-I'm fine! Besides Father was protecting me. But I'd like to go home now." He said softly to which I nodded to him. "Come here Error. Is it okay if they come with us, sweetheart?" I asked him softly which made the other Sans' gain a hopeful look. "I don't mind. I mean as long as they don't try to destroy our universe, then sure. Besides, I love our universe even though it belongs to you, I would never and would ever want to destroy it." Error said softly as he nuzzled into my neck. I gave him a gentle smile to which he returned but then switched to a grimace as his body began to glitch and flicker from his current body, his human body, the body he got from Blue's universe, the body he got from my universe and one I've never seen before. "W-what's going on?! What's happening to him?! Tell me rig-" "SHut UP inK! You hAVe no RiGhT to DEmaND AnYThinG fRom mY FAthER!" Error yelled at Ink when he tried to demand that I explain what was happening to Error. "Hey Classic, why don't we head to your house? I can't take Error back to our universe unless if I want to corrupt his body." I told the original. He nodded and teleported us to his room. I let out a sigh of relief as I placed Error on one of the comfortable, soft chairs and wrapped my sweatshirt around him. "Um. Daddy you did tell Mom that you were gonna be gone for a while, right?" Error asked me. "Uh. No, why?" I asked him, slightly confused. He giggled softly and pointed at something behind me. I turned around and saw a portal forming. Toshiro tackled me as the other Sans watched this happen with shocked looks. "Toshiro! You know that you can't do that every time! And who told you how to make a portal for an alternate universe?" I asked him as Error continued to giggle. "Outta the way! Coming through!" Ichigo yelled as I pushed the portal away so they would crash into the wall. "GODDAMN IT TOU-SAN! WHY IN THE NAME OF KAMI WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Ichigo yelled. "Yeah Sansy! That hurt poor Chara!" Shiro yelled at me. "Shiro! I told you to stop calling me Chara! Would you like it if I were to call you Asriel?!" Ichigo yelled at Shiro. "Would you two stop fighting!" Toshiro yelled at them, his anger making his words show up in a text box. "Sorry Toshiro./Sorry Frisk." They said at the same time. "And this is the exact reason why I don't stay with them." Geno said. "Tensa!" Ichigo yelled as he and Shiro hugged Geno.

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