Chapter 6

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I hummed softly as we stepped up to Red's house. "G-Galactic? U-um. I-I think B-Boss is a-already home." Red stuttered quietly. "Hm? Oh! Red it's all right. Besides, I think your date mate is in there." I told him softly. He perked up at that and let Blue open the door.

Red's P.O.V.

I purred somewhat loud as I leaned into Stretch's chest. I could feel the glare of my brother as he glared at me. We all jumped when our door slammed shut. "Sans! Are you here?" I heard the familiar voice ask. I slid off the couch and dashed to the door. "Sweetheart! Your finally back!" I said happily as I pulled him into a hug. "I know Sansy. I know. THEY finally gave up on controlling me." He said softly and hugged me back. I smiled down at him and picked him up seeing as he was the size of a child. "Need anything, sweetheart?" I asked him softly as I walked back into the living room. "I am a bit hungry. I'd also like to change into different clothes." He said softly as I smiled reassuringly at him. "While I'm making you food, go to my room and in the bottom drawer of my dresser, there should be clothes that you can change into." I told him softly as I gently set him down. "Kay, big brother." He said softly before running off to my room. I chuckled softly and walked into the kitchen. I started to get ingredients out and placing a couple of cutting boards, pots and pans, and a couple of mixing bowls on the counter. I took my large black sweatshirt off and set it off to the side. As I started to cut vegetables, a tug on my pants made me look down. "U-um. I-I..." It was the Chara that belonged to Lust's AU. "What is it, little one? Are you hungry as well?" I asked him softly. "Y-yes, I d-didn't want to b-bother you." He said quietly and looked down. I smiled softly. "I'm perfectly fine with making you food. Besides I always make more than I need to, because it makes sure that I'll get to eat another day." I told him softly and gently. He smiled up at me and nodded happily before walking back into the living room.


I smiled softly and gently as my sweetheart looked up at me when he was done eating. "Done, sweetheart?" I asked him softly. "Yeah. Thanks big bro." Cherry said. "No problem at all, sweetheart. You comfortable in those clothes?" I asked him softly. He nodded and yawned as he started to fall asleep. "C'mon, let's get you to bed." I said softly to myself and picked him up. I walked to my room and laid him on my bed. I put the blanket on him and made sure he was warm and comfortable before I left my room, quietly closing the door behind me.


I chuckled softly as I saw Stretch had basically taken over the couch. I walked over to him and laid down in the space he had left for me. I purred softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. "Who was that Red?" Stretch asked me. "That was my Chara. He named himself Cherry since I took the name Red. He usually seeks me out for a safe place to be when he isn't being controlled." I told him quietly. He nodded and petted my head gently. I smiled up at him as I then felt his hand brush against the crack in my skull. This made me tense up and close my eyes, preparing for pain, when I then felt his fingers gently trace it. It felt....nice. I let out a purr as he slowly dipped his fingers into the crack. It was actually barely noticeable, which was nice for once.

You're safe Red. Let me give you pleasure instead of the pain your used to.

'W-what was that?! Wa-was that his magic?' I thought. A small pulse of magic saying 'yes' was my answer. My eye lights rolled back as a huge wave of pleasure rolled through my body. D-don't ngh stop! PLEASE! Feels s-so good. I thought. Of course Red. Another pulse of magic sent another wave of pleasure through me, which made my right eye light turn off and my left eye light turn into a red heart. I went into my sub space with the next wave of pleasure.

Error's P.O.V.

I watched with a sad smile as Red was comforted by his mate. I flinched when a hand tapped my shoulder. "Whoa bud. No need to flinch. It's just me. Now come 'ere." Outer said softly as he pulled me into his arms. I let out a relieved sigh and relaxed into his body. A purr escaped me when he gently rubbed my skull. He carefully picked me up and placed me on his lap when he had sat down. I let my head be tucked under his chin. I smiled as I felt his hands rub my spine gently. I soon fall asleep in his arms.

Galactic's P.O.V.

I smiled as both Error and Red had finally let someone in. I purred softly when I felt Fresh rub my skull. I turned my head back to him. I rested my head against his shoulder and saw Lust hesitantly touch my wings. I purred again and gently pressed my wings against his hands. He looked up at me in surprise for a couple of seconds before he started to run his hands over my wings. I purred again and relaxed into my mates, letting them help me relax. I gave them both loving looks before I fell asleep.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

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