Chapter 10

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I closed the portal behind me as I entered Nightmare's castle. "Who's there?! Dream! What are you doing here?! Gonna cause us even more pain?! Huh! Answer me!" Dust yelled as I walked to Nightmare's room, completely ignoring the rest of his gang. I opened his door and walked in, making sure to close the door quietly. I walked over to him and kneeled down beside him. "D-Dream? H-how did you remember?" He asked me. I smiled at him and gently pulled him onto my lap. "Galactic made me remember, but I probably would've remembered soon because I felt like something extremely important was missing. Can you guess what it is?" I asked him as I gently rubbed his head. He shook his head as he leaned into my hand. "It's you that I was missing. My SOUL was missing you, Nightmare." I told him. He looked up at me in shock before he cuddled into me. I chuckled and picked him up. Which made him squeak in surprise. "D-Dream? Where are we going?" He asked me shyly. "We're all going to Rasu's universe. Error is alive, so is Galactic. Besides I want to see the look on Ink's face when he realizes that 'the bad guys are behind me and not attacking anyone.' And you do know that the rest of your gang is listening to us from behind your door, right?" I asked him as I then opened the door, making sure that I was standing behind it, which made said members fall into the room in a monster puppy pile. I chuckled and stepped over them, heading to the living room. Night quietly giggled at them. I sighed as the others ran into the living room, Night watching as they tripped over each other. I opened a portal back to Amaterasu's universe and we all went through it, making sure to close it behind us.

T O B E C O N T I N U E D . . .

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