Chapter 11||Bonding and Stories P. 1

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  I smiled at Error as I watched him knit a brand new hoodie for someone. He had refused to tell me who and I respect that, if he wants to tell me then that's his choice. "I'm gonna go get my sketchbook and my art kit, flare your magic if you need me. Alright?" I asked him gently as I stood up. He smiled up at me and nodded. "I will, but it shouldn't take you long, they should be in the same room as your clothes and other belongings." He said happily in response. I smiled at him and nodded before I headed into his room and locked the door behind me. I went into the hidden room that stored my belongings and carefully grabbed the only sketchbook that wasn't in the art kit that my loved ones had bought for me as a gift, a long time ago. I left the room and unlocked the door before leaving Error's room altogether and locking it behind me. I sat next to Error and set my kit on the table. I opened it and my sketchbook, flipping through the pages to see if there were any unfinished works I had forgotten about. I stopped on the finished sketch of a weeping willow tree in a large field with a pond, that had Tropical Night Blooming Water Lilies and Night Bloom Water Lilies in large groups scattered throughout it, nearby surrounded by a field of flowers containing Gardenia Augusta (Perennial), roses of different shades to indicate different colors, and many others. I let my magic surround a pencil that I quickly grabbed and added two figures sitting on one of the branches of the weeping willow, one smaller than the other with a pair of glasses and tear like streaks down their face, while the other had a crown and a pair of dragon wings. While I was sketching out the finishing details, I had my magic surround an eraser as I then made the lines darker before I erased all of the lines so that they didn't mess with the color. I put my pencil back in my kit and shifted into a more comfortable position to finish my art. Time flew by as I fully colored the image. I leaned forward and put the black colored pencil back in it's place before I closed my art kit and set my still open sketchbook on top of it. "You finished with your drawing?" Error asked me. I smiled at him and picked my sketchbook up before I handed it to him. He gasped in pure amazement and looked up at me. That's when I realized that his eye lights were stars."You did an amazing job!" He told me. I smiled happily and took it back when he was done looking at it. I closed my sketchbook and set it onto my kit. This was when Lust teleported onto the open spot next to me, his hands covering his face. "Lust? What's wrong? Did they come back?" I asked him softly and gently. He looked up at me and nodded as I saw the tears falling from his eye sockets. My own sockets widened in shock. The other Sanses soon appeared at the wave of magic full of discomfort, fear and pain that left Lust. "Who raped you in this one?" I asked him softly as to not make him retreat into himself. But my question had made the other Sanses gasp. "P-p-papyrus, h-he did it this time....after ki-killing Mettaton, h-his own b-boyfriend. Mettaton! I-I forgot. I-I left him there to suffer. Some kind of friend I am, forgetting about the only monster that's different than the others in UnderLust." He said through his sobs. "Fresh, can you comfort him while I go do something?" I asked our dominant mate. He nodded and took my place after I stood up. I opened a portal and went through, quickly locating Mettaton and teleporting to him once the portal closed. He looked up at me in shock from where he was sitting. "S-Sans? W-where have you b-been? What's with the new look?" He asked me hesitantly. I smiled gently at him. "I'm not your Sans. Your Sans is one of my dominant partners. He had a nightmare involving his brother which made him realize that he left you here. I'm here to bring you to our current residence. No more sex obsessed monsters." I told him as I put my hand out for him to take. He nodded and put his hand onto mine as he stood up. I opened a portal to Error's home and helped him through it. I closed the portal as his grip on me tightened as he tried to regain his balance. He let me go after a few minutes with a thankful nod. "Lust? I have someone who hasn't seen you in a while." I told him softly. "Galix, who...METTATON! OH MY LORDS! I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU THERE!" Lust yelled as he teleported in front of Mettaton and hugged him with a loose grip. "I-it's o-okay Lust. Y-your mate a-already explained." Mettaton said shyly, surprising the other Sanses. Lust let him go and led him to the couch to sit down. I smiled and sat down next to Error, who was looking through my sketchbook. He looked at me with a happy smile when I sat down. I smiled back to him and noticed that he stopped on a particular page that I had drawn a very long time ago. A time when Asgore was alive and was king. "I see you found the last image I had drawn when he was alive. I can tell you the story of how he died if you desire." I told Error, which got everyone's attention. "Really? I would love that!" He said happily, his eye lights still in the shape of stars. "Alright, but this is one story that I'd rather only tell once. So if you all wish to know then please stay quiet and pay attention to my tale." I said as everyone came over and sat down somewhere, be it on a couch, chair or the floor. I let a sigh out as the exact memory came back to me. "My tale takes place many eons ago in my au, Galactic Tale.


I laughed as I watched Chara, Frisk and Asriel play and run around in the throne room. "Galactic, can I speak to you for a moment?" Asgore asked me. I looked up at him and let a frown show as he looked exhausted and barely standing. "Sure, my King." I told him softly as he led me to his hidden garden. "Galactic, as you can see, I'm not in good health. And to be blunt, I'm falling down. Since you're gonna be the next King, can you promise me a couple things?" He asked me as he sat on the granite bench. "Of course King Asgore." I said. "First off, I want you to raise my children, seeing that they already have a extremely strong bond with you." He started. I smiled and nodded. "Next, I want you to care for this garden, so maybe one day you can pass this responsibly to my children. Finally, be a better King than I ever was and made sure that everyone knows that they aren't to blame for my death. Can you promise these things?" He asked me. "I, Galactic Crimson Moon, promise, on my magic, to these three things." I told him. He smiled at me in relief. "May I request one thing from you, before you die?" I asked him. He nodded. "Can I draw a group image of you with our friends?" I asked him. He gained a shocked look before he smiled and nodded. "Of course you may. Just make sure it doesn't get ruined." He said before he stood up and we headed back to the throne room.

Flashback over

And the next day we all gathered in a meadow for me to create this image. A few days later, he died in the garden that, to this day, I still take care of with his children." I finished my story. Error looked at me with a happy smile and hugged me. "I'm fine, Error. But thank you." I told him softly as I hugged him back. He nuzzled into me and purred quietly.


I watched, with a frown, as Ink berated and insulted Cross. Cross desperately looked around for an escape from Ink. That's when I noticed that he had tears forming in his sockets. I stood up and walked over to them. Placing my hand on Ink's shoulder. "Ink, that is enough! If you think that this is allowed in this house, then you are sadly mistaken!" I told him, with an angry tone. I opened a portal to a random au and shoved him through, closing it afterwards. Cross stared at me with a thankful look. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He said happily. I smiled at him and patted his head. "You're welcome, Cross." I told him. He smiled at me one more time before he ran off to do something.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D...

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