Why? They Said This Couldn't Happen.

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Error's P.O.V.

I groaned as someone shook me. "W-what h-happened?" I asked softly as I opened my eyes. "It reset. Or a save happened. One of the two." Galactic said as he helped me up. I gasped as tears fell down my face. "B-b-but th-they s-s-said t-that t-this c-couldn't h-happen. S-so, w-why?" I asked. He pulled me into his arms and let me hide my face in his chest. "I don't know little one, I don't know." He said softly as I let the sobs escape me. I stepped back as my sobs stopped, but tears still fell. I looked up at the white ceiling of the Anti-Void and spotted Blue. I tapped Galactic's shoulder and pointed at the one Sans that refused to harm me, no matter what happened to him. "Galactic, the last save had to have been right after I took him." I told him as he nodded and picked me up. He flew us to the layer of strings I had hung below the ceiling. I gently grabbed the strings wrapped around Blue and made sure not to hurt him as Galix flew back towards the ground. I slowly brought Blue down to the ground and gently unraveled them from his body. He looked at me surprised for a moment and then grabbed his head as memories flashed before him. He looked up and smiled before he hugged me. "Y-you remember?" I asked him softly. "I would never forget. You're my best friend, after all." He said with a tone of confidence. I smiled and hugged back. I heard Galactic gasp but I didn't pay it much attention as I snuggled into Blue's warm body. I started to slowly fall asleep when Blue sat down with me on his lap. I smiled up at him as I let myself drift to sleep.

Galactic's P.O.V.

I gasped as a portal opened and Fresh walked through. "F-Fresh? Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him. As soon as he heard me he immediately pulled me into a hug when I was within arms reach. I gasped before I leaned against him, quiet purrs escaping me. "D-does Lust remember?" I asked him quietly and hesitantly. He smiled and nodded which made a look of relief appear on my face. "T-thank the Lords." I said quietly. Not even a moment later, my phone rang. The caller ID was Lust. I instead texted him saying that Error was asleep and I don't want to wake him up. He replied saying 'it's ok, I was calling to ask if you want to crash the council meeting with Fresh, Error and Blue.' I looked up at Fresh for his permission. He smiled at me and nodded with a look of amusement. I sent Lust a reply that said, 'Sounds like fun, we're in.' Lust sent a text saying 'Awesome!' I giggled softly and nuzzled Fresh before I walked over to Blue. "Hey Blue. Can you wake him up? We all have a meeting to crash." I told him softly. He looked up at me with an eager look and nodded before he gently woke Error up. "Error, we're going to go ruin Ink's day. You need to wake up." He said softly as Error woke up. "M'kay. Let's go." Error said softly as he rubbed his eyes. I smiled and held Fresh's hand as we all went through the portal Lust had opened for us. I giggled as Lust immediately hugged me. I nuzzled his chest as Fresh closed the portal. "I missed you, Lust. I don't want this to happen again." I told him softly as he nodded and gently kissed me. I purred as a feeling of safety and love washed over me as he looked back around the room. I smiled up at him and let Fresh pick me up. Error had his hood up and was looking down slightly as he held Blue's hand so that he wouldn't be recognized and he wouldn't be lost as we made our way towards a few open seats. Luckily we were able to claim the last open couch so that we could keep an eye on our small group and make sure none of us got lost or taken. I sat down in the middle with Fresh on one side and Lust on the other, while Error had immediately sat on the floor between my legs as soon as I had sat down. Blue sat next to him and gently rubbed Error's arms to soothe him. I leaned against Fresh as he gently petted my skull. I gently grabbed Lust's hand and held it as Ink rambled on and on about Error. I soon felt Error start to shake and turned to me with a pleading look. I gently picked him up and set him on my lap. I carefully took my cloak off and put it on him, making sure to pull the hood up. His shaking gradually went away as I felt Blue lean against my leg so I knew that he was still there.

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