Chapter 7

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I smiled as all of Fate's Sans were relaxing. Well... all but one. But he isn't actually important right now. "'Rasu? What are you doing?" Toshiro asked softly. "Hm? Oh, just thinking. It's nothing anyways. We should start heading home before Spring goes on a search through the multiverse." I told him softly. He nodded as I opened a portal back to our AU and stepped through it.

Nightmare's P.O.V.

I let the small smile show as I leaned against my brother. "Nightmare?" Dream asked me quietly. "Hm?" "Do you want to check on the Tree of Memories?" He asked softly. I thought about it for a couple of minutes. "I-I guess so." I told him softly. He smiled at me and stood up. He offered his hand which I placed my hand onto. He helped me up and then opened a portal to our AU, DreamTale. He still held my hand even as we went through the portal. I looked around seeing that we were already at the Tree of Memories. I shivered slightly as a chill ran down my spine. I felt something soft and warm placed on my shoulders which made me look up at Dream. "You were shivering, so keep my sweatshirt. Okay Night?" He asked me softly as he brought us closer to the tree. "Y-yeah. Okay, t-thanks." I said softly, blushing a light purple. He looked at me with a warm smile. I let the happy smile appear on my face. I looked up at the tree and then froze. "Night? What's wrong?" Dream asked me as he kneeled in front of me. "T-the tree. I-it's back to the way it was originally. B-but that c-could only m-mean that our AU h-has r-reset." I told him quietly, my voice filled with pure fear and sadness as purple tears filled my eye sockets. "Night. Come here." He said softly as he pulled me into his arms. "You're perfectly safe. I will not let what happened to you ever happen again. I will protect you from the hatred of the monsters." Dream said softly to me, his voice was filled with pure love and compassion for me. "I-I...T-Thank you. I-I trust you." I said quietly as I clung to him. His touch made me feel something that I've been abandoned by for eons. "P-please don't a-abandon m-me again." I whispered.

Dream's P.O.V.

I stood up with him still in my arms. I walked into our old home and picked up the crown he used to wear and gently placed it on his skull. He looked up at me with a shocked look before shyly looking down. I quietly chuckled and kissed his forehead. He purred and hesitantly rested his head against my shoulder. I picked up the pair of necklaces that we had when we were made and put Night's on him and put mine on. I then spotted the black katanas that belonged to Night and the twin gold axes that I used to train with. I put my axes on my belt and put Night's katanas on my shoulder. I grabbed our old bags and put our belongings in mine, leaving Night's bag empty. I then grabbed both of our keys and left our old home, making sure to lock it behind me. I walked over to the tree and set Night down on my side. "Stay here for a couple of minutes, after I'm done with my task we're leaving and never coming back to this place." I told him softly to which he nodded and nuzzled into my sweatshirt. I smiled at him and then grabbed every single apple on the tree and put them in Night's bag. I closed his bag and then picked him back up. "Want to get something to eat before we leave?" I asked him. He nodded and nuzzled my neck with a happy smile on his face. I smiled and walked to the store where Night pointed to the apples. I chuckled and picked up four of them before walking to the cashier and setting them down. I gave them the gold for the four apples I grabbed. I put two of them in my bag and handed one to Night. I walked out of the store and opened a portal as monsters started walking out of their houses. "Ready to leave?" I asked him. "Yes. Thank you so much. I love you Dream." He said to which I smiled and walked through the portal, making sure to close it behind us. He smiled up at me as we landed back in Red's house. "Dream! Where did you two go?" Blue asked us. "We were in our AU. It somehow had reset. So I took Night and got all of our belongings so no one could abuse them. Sorry for making you worry." I told him softly as Night yawned and purred softly into my shoulder. Blue nodded and let us be. He walked away as I sat on the floor while leaning against the chair that Galactic and his mates were sitting in. I placed our stuff next to us and set Night on my lap. He purred and let out another yawn as he curled up slightly. I smiled softly at him and gently pet his head. I listened to his purrs before I was soothed into a light sleep by his purrs.

Galactic's P.O.V.

When I woke up I noticed that we were still in Red's house. Everyone was still here except for Dad, but he must've gone back to his AU. A purr escaped me when a hand started petting my skull. A loud 'THUD' woke up all off the light sleepers, which was just about most of us. A yelp from beside the chair was heard. "What was that?!" I asked out loud. "OW! SHIT! You okay PC?" A voice that sounded a lot like Fresh was heard. "I'm alright UnFresh. Where did we end up, anyways? It looks like Edge's house, but a lot more fixed." Another voice sounding like PJ answered. "Wait....UnFresh? Is that you man?" Fresh asked them. Two skeletons walked into the room. The taller one looked like a more aggressive and edgy version of Fresh while the shorter one looked like a more aggressive version of PJ. "Who are you two? What versions are you two?" I asked softly. "I'm UnFresh. I'm the Fell version of Fresh." UnFresh said. "And I'm PaperCut, but I usually go by PC. I'm the Fell version of PaperJam." PC said.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

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