Galactic Is Our Main Reason To Live

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I looked at Lust as he gently wiped Galix's tears away. "Poor thing. All of his personal belongings, missing. He had a right to react like that." I said softly. He nodded in agreement before looking up at me with a small smile. I smiled back at him before taking Galactic in my arms and standing up. "C'mon, my koi, let's see which AU we're in." I told him softly as he nodded before hesitantly walking next to me. Dark purple and blue magic surrounded Galactic as he relaxed into my chest.


I sighed as we stepped into Snowdin. The other Sans had caught up by now. "Oh no... U-um, F-fresh? T-this is m-my AU. And m-my brother w-won't be h-happy with m-me." Red stuttered as he shook beside Lust. "SANS! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHEN YOU GET BACK, YOU'RE GONNA BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" A loud voice yelled, filled with malice. "B-boss." He said quietly, his voice filled with pure fear. Nightmare walked over to him and let his aggressive form melt away. "I-it's okay Red. We'll protect you." He said softly. "T-Thank you Nightmare." He said softly. I smiled at that as Galactic groaned before shifting. The magic that surrounded him flickered before disappearing. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "F-Fresh? Lust? Where are we?" He asked me softly and shyly. "We're in UnderFell. You okay love?" I asked him. He nodded as I gently set him down. He grabbed both mine and Lust's hands. We both smiled at him as Red moved closer to Blue. "Hm. Hey Red. You okay?" Blue asked him. Red didn't respond but looked up at him.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

Sorry for the short chapter, but this is more of a filler than anything.

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