I-it's Back? Thank The Lords

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"E-Error? Are you okay?" Reboot asked. I gently landed on the ground as the light faded. My original body was back. That could only mean that it's back. "My original body... but my au was said to be destroyed." I said softly to myself. My angel wings folded against my back as a portal appeared. "Ototo! We're all back! Karma-sama and Destiny-sama finally gained the ability to bring us back!" My twin, my amazing older brother yelled to me. I gasped softly as tears started to fall. "T-thank the L-Lords. I-I'm coming to get you Cosmos." I told him softly. I walked into the portal. Stars, floating islands, monsters and humans alike flying around. Arms quickly wrapped around me, tugging me into a comforting hug. I sighed happily as my body started to change once more. My glitching stopped, the blue stripes down my face disappeared, and finally my bones started to look like a galaxy. I relaxed against my brother's chest. "Do you want to go back to where I was? The Sans Fate made are there." I told him softly, my voice a lot softer because my code no longer had any of Fate's corruption. "Sure little brother." He said softly. He walked through the portal and landed in Rasu's universe. The portal turned black with it's code appearing. I memorized it and let it close afterwards. "You can put me down now, Cosmos." I told him. "Alright, Galactic." He said. I let out a gasp as tears started to fall again. "What's going on? Who's 'Galactic'?" Blue asked. "I-I'm Galactic. It's m-my original name. This is the first time I've been called by it since my universe was destroyed. Fate made me believe my name was Error for the longest time. My universe is back. My home is finally back." I said happily as Ink gasped. "That's why you crashed the first time I asked for your name." He said softly. I nodded as Fresh and Lust walked over to us. "G-Galix? I-is that you?" Fresh asked softly as he stepped closer. I smiled and nodded. He smiled as tears fell from his eyes. "Y-your back. Your finally back. I was starting to think that you were dead. Thank the Lords your not." He said softly as I pulled him into a hug. "Your the one that kept appearing in my dreams after I had one of those days, right?" Lust asked me softly. I nodded again and gently pulled him into a hug as well. My brother's phone suddenly went off. "Hello? Oh hi dad. Alright, but is it okay if Fate's Sans come with? Alright thanks." He said softly. "Who was it? Can they come with?" I asked him softly. "It was Universe. Our father. And yes, they can come." He said softly. I nodded and let my two soulmates go as my two sons ran over to us as well. I opened the portal and made a platform on the other side. "Ready?" I asked Cosmos. "Yep. You?" He asked. "Yep. And go!" I yelled softly as we both ran into the portal. Our wings spread out on the other side as we flew. The other Sans and my sons rushed after us, landing on the platform. Once they were all through, I made the platform bigger and made railings form, I made the platform follow us and cut the magic from the portal. My two soulmates watched me with amazement. I let out a pure laugh of joy. I landed on the floating island that held our dad's house. "I win Cosmos!" I told him happily. He nodded with a chuckle. "That you did, Galactic." He said softly. The platform landed by us and disappeared. "Galix, that was amazing! You definitely looked like you were born to fly." Lust said softly. I smiled at that. I opened the door to Universe's house. "Dad? You called for us?" I asked. "Galactic, my son, it's time. I've delayed it for to long. Any longer and the people will end up in chaos." He said softly with remorse. I sighed and nodded. "I understand Father, I completely understand. Let's go and prepare. Cosmos, you know where to bring them. We'll meet you all there. Wait, Father can my sons come with us?" I asked him as PJ and Glish started walking towards us. "I see. Of course Galactic." He answered. I smiled as my two sons grabbed my hands.


I sighed as I fixed the custom made crown on my head as I sat on the center throne. My two sons were running around the throne room with laughs, giggles and happy shrieks coming from them. I chuckled quietly at them having fun as I shifted my wings under the cloak they were hidden under. The doors out as the other Sans walked in. Lust and Fresh were in the front of the group following behind Cosmos. "G-Galix?!" They both yelled. "Hey guys. I'm the king. And I knew that I was going to be since I was little." I told them softly as I stood with the elegance and grace that I was taught to have when I was a child. "Really? Your actually the king?" Lust asked me with disbelief. I chuckled and jumped down to them. All, except for Cosmos, Fresh, Lust, Love, Blue, Classic, Red, Geno, Outer, Reboot, Eraser and Nightmare's group, had stepped back when I did so. I shifted my wings again which caught the attention of Fresh. "Is something wrong Galix?" He asked me. "I feel like my stats are trying to change but something isn't letting them." I told him softly as I led them up towards the thrones. I sat back down on the center throne. I took my SOUL out and checked my stats.

Error Sans

LV: 99999869643514—ERROR

Hp: 0.000000000001/9684686353976435—ERROR

Attack: 9999999853853752—ERROR

Defense: 999983583626497974—ERROR

Additional Info: The forced God of Destruction. Forced into his role after Fate ripped him, kicking and screaming, out of his universe. Voices screamed at him until he met Amaterasu after a eon had passed.

Hates to kill. He just wants to go home and fly. Not able to die because of Fate.

I sighed at that. All of this is true. I froze these stats and placed them off to the side. I opened another stat screen and pushed my magic into it. My stats changed as Lust and Fresh looked at the set of stats I had froze. I let them read my previous stats to the other Sans. When they were done I chuckled softly with a broken edge to it. "G-Galix, I had no idea that this was what happened. Why didn't you tell anyone to check your stats?" Lust asked softly. "No one even bothered to check them in the first place." I told him, which made them all look a little guilty except for Blue. "I checked them at one point when I was alone with you. That's why I stopped fighting with you guys." He said. I smiled at him and nodded. "Could you read your current stats, Galix?" Fresh asked me. I nodded. "Galactic Crimson Moon, the Sans of Galactic Tale
Defense: UNKNOWN
Never wanted to harm an innocent. Loves to fly and star gaze. Blessed by Karma, Hope and Destiny. The only Sans made by Karma, Love, Hope and Destiny. Able to change the code of AUs. Is king of Galactic Tale because it was foretold in a ancient prophecy. Still not acting the way he wants to. Has two sons and two soulmates.

Wants to just live his life with his family and rule his kingdom with the people being happy." I said softly skipping two or three sentences. My soul started to slightly glitch as it crashed. I blacked out. "Galix!" Was the last thing I heard before I went unconscious.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

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