How Is This Possible?! We Should Be Dead Or In The Anti-Void!

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I opened my eyes groaning as a large amount of my magic felt like it was missing. "By the Lords, I really hope that is the last time I have to reboot. What happened?" I asked them softly as my original personality slowly came back. I slowly stood as the angel wings I had borrowed from mom slowly dusted. I took my cloak off and spread the angel wings. They started glowing blue as the other Sans tried to make them stop dusting. I smiled at this and shook my head. "Guys, it's fine. Their just returning to their original owner. My true wings are waiting for them to leave. These angel wings belong to my mother." I told them softly to which they hesitantly nodded and let their magic fade away. The angel wings glowed a bright white as they dusted away, to finally rejoin my mother. I let a relieved sigh escape me as my true wings appeared with a glow of magic surrounding them. "That's the color my magic was when..." I said loud enough that the other Sans could hear me. "I guess he wants me to know that he is finally happy and content now that he has seen my home and wants me to make something special with the last of his magic." I whispered to myself. I gathered the beautiful colored magic that Error left me, and made it form a sphere. I gasped as a pale and glitching blue and yellow monster SOUL appeared above the sphere of magic. I spotted the heart shaped necklace that Alphys had given me. She said that it can hold a SOUL and the remaining magic of a monster or human. I placed Error's SOUL and magic inside the necklace. His spirit appeared. I took the necklace and gently placed it around Error's neck. "G-Galaxy? H-How am I still a-alive?" He asked me with a hint of fear. I smiled reassuringly at him and gently grabbed his hand. I led him up to the thrones as the other Sans followed cautiously. I used my magic to push the three thrones to the side as a hidden door was revealed. I heard gasps from behind us but ignored them. I opened the door and went up the stairs that were behind it. "W-where are y-y-you taking me?" He asked me with a small glitch. I only gave him a gentle smile and opened the door at the top of the stairs. I had him sit on the chair by the door as I went farther into the dark room. I could see clearly in this room but the other Sans couldn't. I soon stood in the middle of the room and looked up. I let my magic surround my wings, making them glow brightly. I crouched down and then launched myself into the air. I flew all the way to the ceiling where a small body was abandoned. It was able to stay up there because strings of red and midnight purple magic were wrapped around it. I gently picked the small skeleton body up and carefully flew back down. I walked over to Error and smiled at him. "Error. I know that this is your actual body. So go ahead and return to it." I told him softly. He nodded and walked into his body. I quickly caught him as he passed out so he could merge with his body properly.


I sighed as I walked out of the pallace. I had my eyes closed as I was tired of walking around. I opened my eyes and looked around. I gasped as my eyes widened. "W-what the FUCK?! HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I yelled as I went back into the palace. "G-Galix? What are you talking about?" Cosmos asked softly as he stood by the other Sans. "EVERY SINGLE AU HAS MERGED TOGETHER! HOW DID THIS FUCKING HAPPEN WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING?!" I yelled back, voice becoming demonic, as I could feel five divine beings appearing. "Galaxy, my precious son. It's okay, calm down." Karma said softly to me. I nodded as he gently patted my head. I smiled up at him as Lady Destiny made sure her favored child was okay and unharmed. I chuckled softly as I felt three souls run towards the room we were in. The doors opened as three different sets of giggling and laughter was heard. "MOM! YOU'RE BACK!" The three children yelled happily as they rushed over to me. I smiled at them and hugged them as Ink glared at them. I let them go and stepped back a little. Chara however ran behind me as multiple growls could be heard from the other Sans. I turned around and picked him up and let him hide his face in my neck. This made the growling stop but the damage had already been done. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I've never killed! Never! P-please don't hurt me. I-I'm innocent. I-I could never ever, EVER, kill. M-my birth parents m-made sure that I would never be able to even st-stand the s-sight of bl-blood." He sobbed into my neck as he started to have a panic attack. I immediately hid him from the other Sans sight and made sure that they could only see my back. I kneeled down and placed him on my lap as I made my wings form a dome that blocked our view of the throne room. The other Sans watched in shock. I held him tight against my chest until he had came back from his panic attack. He leaned back but stayed on my lap. "I-I'm okay. Mama, I'm s-so relieved now t-that you're back finally. A-aunt Tori was d-devastated. She also said that s-she would be willing to take over as Queen whenever you were away." He said softly, hiccupping every so often. I had moved my wings back to where they were folded against my back. I smiled gently at him and wiped his tears away. "That's better now. Tori was devastated, huh? Well why don't you three go and get our friends? Okay?" I asked him softly. He nodded and stood up as I did after him as well. "Do you want us to get Gaster as well?" Frisk asked me. "No, he already knows that I'm back. Besides, he needs to rest." I told him softly. He nodded and stepped back to stand beside Asriel. Chara grabbed Frisk's and Asriel's hands. They smiled at me before dashing out of the palace, their wings getting ready to fly. I smiled at them as they disappeared from sight. I sighed as I felt a hand touch my arm. "G-Galaxy? Y-you okay?" Error asked me shyly and hesitantly. I smiled down at him and picked him up. "I am just fine, sweetheart. Let's go and see what the Multi-Verse looks like now. Okay?" I asked him softly. He nodded and gave me a shy smile. I chuckled softly as Fresh and Lust walked over to us. We walked outside as all the other Sans followed. When we all had stepped outside, all of the other Sans were surrounded by a bright glow of magic. When it faded, they all had a pair of wings left behind. I was shocked and confused by it. I softly set Error on the ground and stretched my wings as I walked over to the edge of the floating island my palace was on. I launched myself into the air as white coding appeared and turned into a flat surface so that the alternate versions of my people could walk around my world. I heard the familiar sound of flames as an armored flame monster flew over to us. "Your majesty! Your back!" He said happily. I nodded to him and saw my friends behind him. "Galactic! Your back bro!" Undyne said with Alphys behind her. I smiled at my old sparing and lab partners. "Yeah. It's great to be back, huh?" I said softly as the Sans that were friends with us, joined us in the air. Nightmare had a sad look as he watched Dream, who stood by Ink. Dream looked up at Nightmare before a small smile appeared on his face as he joined his brother in the air as well. "Galactic, here. I found this a while ago." Alphys said as she tossed a very familiar katana to me. "My katana. Where did you even find this? I thought I lost this forever!" I asked her happily. "It was hanging off a ledge near Core. No idea how it even got there but we were lucky that I had decided to go there then, if I had been a few seconds later than it would have fallen into the void." She said softly. I smiled at her. "Thank you Alphys. D-did you find anything else that belonged to me?" I asked her hesitantly. She gave me a sad look before shaking her head. "I'm sorry Gal. I know that you lost a lot of personal items that you always kept on you, that was the only one that I found." She said softly. I weakly smiled at her. "I-it's okay. I-I know t-that you m-must've tried y-your best." I told her quietly. I looked down, my vision blurring as purple tears filled my eyes. I slowly descended to land on the ground of one of the other AUs. When I landed I let myself fall to my knees, soft sobs leaving me. I heard someone land in front of me. "Oh... My poor sweet little Galix. Galix, come here my little Angel." I heard from in front of me. My SOUL pulsed at the familiar magic that the voice belonged to. I wasn't able to move myself. My magic felt way too heavy to move and my body felt different. "I-I-I c-can't m-m-move m-my b-body. P-please h-help m-me." I said quietly as I sobbed harder. "Oh my. Our poor darling. Let's see." Another voice said softly. A hand gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head. I lifted my vision and followed the arm up to see who it belonged to. "L-lust? F-fresh? I-I..." I started but stopped as I sobbed again. "Hush, our sweet little Angel, hush. We'll keep you safe and loved, now hush and let us care for you." Fresh said softly as he gently petted my head. I gave a small nod and leaned against his hand as Lust wiped my tears away. I subconsciously purred as the gentle petting continued. My eyes slowly shut as I drifted into a light sleep before I fell into a deep sleep.

T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D . . .

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