The Best <> Darry

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     You woke up to the obnoxious ringing from your alarm clock and your boyfriend's large and muscular arm slung over your (s/m/l) torso. Yawning, you reached over and hit the snooze button before staring at the blank ceiling above. There was an odd feeling about today, though you couldn't quit put your finger on it. It was on the tip of your tongue. You laid there and thought.

'What day was it? Isn't today the fourteenth?' You stood from the bed and stretched your arms out, all while scanning over the calendar that hung from the wall in your room. It was the fourteenth. 'Damn it!' That only many one thing. You just couldn't wait. You went to the bathroom and did your business. Sure enough, there it was. Today was the first day of your period as of right that moment, and the first day was always the worst. You and Darry would be in for a real treat. 'Ugh!'


     There you laid, tangled in the bed sheets of your shared bed as you allowed the pain to take over. You groaned lightly and quietly sobbed as you held your abdomen in pain. Tears ran down your face due to the extreme cramp that had swept over your torso, making the minutes waiting for him to come home feel like hours. It was getting later in the evening which meant your boyfriend of three years, Darry, would be home soon. You needed him to hold you, for him to tell you it would be alright in the end. He always helped with the pain.

His cuddles and light nose kisses were the best medicine you could ever get at a time like this. It was even better than Tylenol. To you, your period was war and Darry is what got you through it. Without him, you'd be a goner. Between your horrible cramps, food cravings and slight mood swings, poor Darry could only ride out the storm. And to you, he was a saint. He was a girl's dream and you were lucky to have him.

     Another cramp took hold, causing you to release a strangled cry as the vice grip on your stomach tightened. Your breathing was shaky as the cramp had temporarily subsided, giving you time to brace yourself for a new one, which you could feel coming rather fast. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching your shared room but stopped at the door. There was a soft knock. You groaned in annoyance.

     "(Y/n), is everything alright?" Came a concerned voice. It was Sodapop, Darry's younger brother. You sighed, struggling to sit up in bed as you continued to hold your stomach. You took in a deep breath and stood, hunching over as the pain increased from a dull throb and began to rip at your insides once again. You hobbled towards the bedroom door and opened it to a crack, only letting your face and left shoulder show. Your (l/m/d) complexion seemingly glowed from the (y/f/c) sweatshirt you were wearing.

     "I-I'm alright, Soda. Just got some lady business to deal with right now. M-maybe you should come by l-later." You said, praying that he would get the hint you were throwing at him. 'Please take the hint...'

     "Oh...." Soda thought for a moment, suddenly understanding. He nodded his head after a moment. Being a boy, that wasn't Darry, he was naturally uncomfortable with what he was just told. "Oh, alright! Well, if you need anything then you know where to find me." He said. You smiled at how caring Soda could be. Darry was a great boyfriend towards you, and his brothers were great friends to have. The Curtis' were a nice family in general and you were lucky to know them. They were great people in general. The three brothers didn't deserve to loose their parents that way, but life went on.

     "Thanks, Soda. You're a real good friend..." You said, groaning at the end. It hurt like a bitch! Your (e/c) eyes squeezed shut as your knees wobbled violently. (Y/h/c) strands of hair fell in your face as you bowed your head in pain and slight embarrassment. Your cheeks burned a deep crimson due to the fact of how bad it hurt. You were always seen as tougher than the other girls. And now here you were basically crying from pain. You didn't even cry when you broke you leg, you could even see the bone then. It was embarrassing to say the least.

To Soda, it was a frightening sight before him. But to you and Darry, this happened every second week of the month. And it was Hell for the both of you. You did, however, feel bad for Darry. He could only help in any way he could while he watched you in pain for about 5 days. Soda placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. You looked up and blinked back the tiny tears that had formed in your eyes. The two of you shared a friendly smile.

     "Feel better, (y/n). I'll see you later." He said. You forced a smile, watching Soda walk down the hall and close his bedroom door for the night. You hurried to shut the door, leaning against it once it finally closed. You whimpered, begging for Darry to come home. You staggered to the bed and fell back into the warm blankets. The pain was indescribable. 'Please come home, Darry...I need you..' You thought, desperate for the pain to subside for good.

Minutes passed with each cramp, slowly draining your energy of existence. At the stroke of 9:30, you could hear the loud vroom from Darry's truck coming up to the house. They were followed by a car door being slammed shut, and you heard the front door open and close. 'Finally!' You could hear Darry kick off his work boots and sigh through the paper thin walls. Footsteps traveled around the house, soon revealing Darry standing in the doorway to your guys' bedroom. You slammed your eyes shut, whimpering loudly at the pain. Oh, the pain!

"Darry...." You whimpered, your eyes shut inhumanly tight. Darry smiled a small, sad smile as he turned towards you. He already felt so horrible for you.

"Oh, honey." Darry sighed. He softly shut the door behind him and rushed to your side of the bed, sifting a scraped hand through your (y/h/c) locks. You wanted to move, but all of your energy had been drained. The only thing keeping you awake were your dreaded period cramps.

"I-It hurts, Darry! It hurts so much...." Your voice began to fail you, gradually going hoarse as you continued to cry. "Please make it stop..." You felt Darry kiss your cheek, kissing away tears in the process. How could you have gotten such a great boyfriend? But why did you always get such horrible pains?!

"I'm here, (y/n). I'm here. It'll be okay." He soothed. You felt the bed dip and a pair of muscular arms wrap around you. Opening your eyes, you see that you and Darry are nearly inches apart. Both of you are facing each other, a very convenient spot for the situation. His teal eyes stare into yours sympathetically as you continue to whimper. You nuzzle you head into his chest, breathing in his faded yet prominent cologne.

     "I just want it to be over already..." Your voice was weak and frail, barely holding on as you pushed yourself against Darry's warm body. The heat felt nice against you abdomen, soothing the cramps. Darry seemed to notice, pulling away slightly to look down at you.

"Do you want me to grab what you used last time to try and help?" He asked. Darry was such a sweet boyfriend, and he always remembered what helped and what didn't. You nuzzled your head further into his neck and nodded.

"Please..." You pleaded softly. Darry placed a kiss on your forehead and left the room for a hot minute, shuffling through the house to get what he needed. When he came back, he placed a warm sack filled with dry rice on your cramping abdomen. You sighed in relief as the heat instantly eased the pain. The bed dipped once again, the springs creaking ever so slightly. You whimpered, the pain still noticeable. Only now it was less intense than before. Darry pulled the blanket over the both of you, adding on to the comforting warmth. You snuggled into Darry and sighed, leaving a grateful kiss on his neck.

"Darry?" You asked. He hummed in response, looking down to meet your beautiful eyes.

"(Y/n)?" He said. He smirked, knowing how easily it could annoy you. You smiled, further nuzzling you head into the crook of his neck.

"Thank you." Your words were slurred as you found yourself drifting off. Your arms found their way around his lean and muscular body, hugging him as a result. Darry squeezed his arms around you and closed his eyes.

"You're welcome, (y/n)." As he said that, both of you drifted to sleep. Both of your snoring becoming a melody with each other's. That night just proved how good Darry was for you. He was the best.


Boom! What do ya think? I hope you like the next chapters! Bye for now!

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