Scared <> Johnny {1}

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                              ~Rob's POV~

     I was absolutely petrified. Johnny and I were going to come out to the gang and say we're together. The only people that knew were the Curtis parents before they died, Dally's girlfriend, Charlotte, and Johnny's best friend, Ponyboy. They accepted us when we told them, but I know not everyone will. It's the 60's so naturally people won't approve. I was just so scared. My parents disowned me because I came out to them, and then they were murdered a week after. Johnny's parents beat him senseless because they don't approve and it breaks my heart to see what they do to him. I guess it's why I'm so scared. Because if we tell them, anything can happen. And I've seen what can happen. People like us get killed for stuff like this......

     Johnny and I stepped out of the shower and made our way to our room. Living with Johnny was hard. The apartment was mine, but Johnny kept very few things there out of fear. We really didn't want to risk it and have someone find out too soon. He still had most of the little things he owned at his house while I lived "alone". I worked at the Dingo with Steve's girlfriend, Abi, and the shifts were long. Half of the time I had to tell a coworker, Danny, to stop hitting on her and by the end of the night I was dead tired. Dealing with Socs ain't easy and Danny is a big ole' pain in the neck. Whenever I got home, Johnny would either be sleeping in the lot and I'd have to go find him or he would be waiting outside for me all beat and cut up. I just fear it'll get worse.....

     "Relax, okay? We'll be fine." Johnny said. He was always quiet, but that didn't mean it did nothing. I sighed and buttoned my jeans, just then realizing how different Johnny and I could be. His skin is darker, and I'm as white as a sheet. His hair is black and curly while mine's a nice shade of fire-red, redder than Two-Bit's or even Pony's hair. His eyes are black-brown and mine are a teal-grey combination. He's 5'8 while I'm 5'11. I just turned 16 and he's 17 and a half. I wear purples and greys, he wears black. I love horses and he prefers watching the sky. We're just different. But I love him anyway. A world without Johnny isn't a world worth living in.

     "I'm just so nervous. What if....what if no one else excepts us? I know how much the gang means to you and I'd hate to see them treat you bad..." I was cut off with his lips. They were soft and tasted like cinnamon, I don't know why, but I loved it. I knew why he kissed me, to shut me up. I smiled and ran my fingers through his greasy hair, moaning when it got a little heated. We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

     "We'll be fine! Now let's go before I try anything." He teased. I blushed and followed behind him. While I locked the apartment door, he was kind enough to wait for me. My hands were shaky the entire time and I almost couldn't lock the door. My naturally low anxiety was peeking, and I didn't like it.


     Rob and I were sitting with the gang, waiting on the last of them to show from work. The last to show were Abi, who waddled more than walked, Steve, Pony's girl and Two-Bit who was as drunk as a skunk. We all ate and sat around trying to find something good to watch when Rob grabbed my hand. I looked down at his hand and then around the room, no one noticed. I smiled.

     "We should tell them." He mouthed. I nodded and cleared my throat. Everyone turned their heads towards me and I gulped, squeezing Rob's hand tighter.

     "W-We've got something t-to tell you-you guys." Rob stuttered. I found it adorable when he stuttered. But I had to keep that in, for now.

    "What s'it, Johnny?" Abi asked. I gulped and could feel a panic attack creeping forward. I was so nervous all of a sudden. Luckily, Ron spoke for me.

     "We're dating....for a little over a year now. We wanted to tell you, but..." Pony cut him off this time.

     "You were just scared about what we'd do." We nodded and looked down. My anxiety was almost at a dangerous level. By now I could feel myself shaking and by the looks of it, they all saw it.

     "Johnny, baby, calm down." Rob said. His voice was soft, calming. He used that voice with me numerous times and it usually worked. I tried, I really did. But I needed some air. I kissed his cheek and ran out the door, probably leaving him to deal with whatever was going to go down in there.


Sorry it's shorter! I'm running low on ideas but I still thought y'all should have a little something to read. I hope you liked this and til later my dudes!

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