Secrets <> Darry {2}

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That morning I had to wake up early, before the sun even rose. All so I could make it to a job. My brothers always think that when I leave at weird times is because someone didn't show and I got called in. In a way, it's the truth. I get called in for my job, but that's where the lying comes in. I'm my own boss, and no one works with me or above me.

     I was the second best, but things happened, people for hurt, and I'm known as the best. The job has been giving me more popularity only because it's been used more over the months. What I mean is that more and more people want another person dead. It sickens me.

This certain situation has been happening more, too; a mobster in the area had a "friend" he needed out of the equation. And I, or another assassin, was the one to do it. Over time almost every mobster had called me, using a code, and telling me who to kill and how much I'll get. It all happens in a pattern.

1) Call and set up a place to meet. Usually people tell me to meet at a bar that my code name is;


     "Hello?" Darry answered. His voice gruff and cold.
     "Bloodlust.....eastern tavern.....midnight." The deep voice demanded. Before Darry could respond, the line went dead.


He set the phone back in it's cradle and went to prepare his supplies, his entire being knowing exactly what to do.

     2) Meet and discuss, but never show your face and use a code name. I use a surgical mask and a hooded jacket to keep my identity secret. And the names's Bloodlust.

     "You Bloodlust?.." He asked. The man was a member of the Tiber Street Tigers, Henry Jenskin.
     "Mhm.." 'Bloodlust' hummed. His hand was in his jacket pocket, grasping the knife he brought with him for protection. Henry looked over 'Bloodlust' and raised an eyebrow. Let's just say it wasn't what he expected for whatever odd reason.
     "Why the hood? Most people that do this job don't give a damn if they're seen." He questioned. 'Bloodlust' didn't move from his spot as he spoke, unfazed.
     "Unlike others, I don't have nothing left. Now is there a deal or what?"

     3) Give your person with a common location to find them at and pitch a price.

     "His name's Daren Avery, goes to Will Rogers. He got into some business with me and I need him gone.......we got a deal?" Henry said, all while handing 'Bloodlust a manila folder holding everything he needed. 'Bloodlust' took the folder and thought in silence, eventually replying.
     "Ya. We got a deal. Pitch your price." He demanded, his voice cooler than what it usually is. Henry smirked devilishly and pulled out a bundle of three thousand dollars, tightly secured by a single rubber band.
     "Six grand. You get the other half once the job's done." He informed. 'Bloodlust' snatched the bundle from Henry's hand and flipped through, counting all the hundred dollar bills rolled together.
"Done." He stated, turning his back to Henry and walking away. But before he did, he gave a small paper saying when and where to meet him once the job was done. He just hoped his client was patient enough.

And then, obviously, you do the job. That's always different. Different method for a different scenario and person. It gets hard to explain. You stalk them, write down their entire schedule and use it to your advantage. When they're alone, you take action.

     4) Wait until the job is done to call your client and meet up for the money.

Bloodlust dialed the given number, waiting patiently for the latter to answer. It was abnormally early in the morning, a safe time for any person in his position to use a payphone and walk away undetected.
"Ya?" Henry replied. The boy sounded irritated.
"It's done. See you there." Bloodlust finalized. He hung the phone back into the receiver and repositioned his surgical mask, walking away from the scene like nothing happened.

     5) Meet up and show evidence their person is dead.

Bloodlust arrived first, leaning against the wall as he waited patiently for his client to show. In his bright orange Mustang, Henry Jenskin showed. The Greaser approached Bloodlust, stopping three feet away.
"Got the cash?" Bloodlust interrogated, both hands digging into his pockets.
"Proof first, then money." Henry replied.
Bloodlust dug two Polaroid pictures from his jacket pocket, contained in a small white unlabeled envelope, both showing the body in question.
"This good enough for you?" Bloodlust said.

     6) Never leave without the price you were told.

"Well I'll be did it, you actually did it. Go, before things get ugly." Henry snarled. Bloodlust scoffed at his attempt.
     "What about the money?" Bloodlust said, his voice unsettlingly calm.
     "You already have it, now scram." Henry stated, inching towards the unidentified person.
"Three g's. Now." Bloodlust demanded. Henry only smirked and pulled a gun, aiming directly over Bloodlust's heart. The assassin seemed unfazed from the stunt, amused almost.
"Leave with the three you got or there's gonna be trouble." Henry threatened. Bloodlust chuckled.
"Lesson one, bub. You offer an assassin something, you pay full." Bloodlust maneuvered the gun around and held it against Henry's temple in a flash, clicking the safety off.
"Three g's and I'll leave." He growled. Reluctantly, Henry pulled another stack from his pocket and held it up, dropping it when Bloodlust held out his hand. He flipped through, counting three thousand dollars exactly.
"Nice doin' business with ya." And with that, Bloodlust walked off, his route twisty and confusing in order to loose any one following him.

The plan itself is simple and safe, but mobsters are corrupted and cheap. They can mean serious trouble if you aren't careful. Most of them try and get away with paying less than what's been told. They don't do that with me however, because I don't get slighted. Last time I got slighted I "took care of it" you could say. Now don't go thinking I killed the guy, I'm a monster not a sociopath. Long story short, the guy had a very long scar to show afterwards. The aftermath of a ruthless knife fight isn't easy to hide but I managed.

It was dead early in the morning so I had no worries about getting caught leaving. Even then, I'll think of something. It's a Friday after all. Meaning Pony, Johnny, Steve and Two-Bit will be at school, Soda will be at work where Steve'll join him after, and Dally got arrested. Everyone was busy. And when everyone calls it a night I leave for my other job as a bartender at a bar downtown. It's name is 'The Bloodlust Tavern'. Which, if you hadn't priced it together yet, is where I also meet my clients.

The majority of my jobs are held late at night. Some, like this one, are early morning and rarely, some are in mid-day. It'll be only me at the house when I get back so I might just be able to sit around for a few minutes. But as always, I'll still have to take precautions and be careful. This job ain't always easy. It's murderous and complicated, the day it's easy will be a cold day in Hell.

I left a note on the ice-box and left with everything I needed for that job in particular, all of it fitting into a black backpack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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