Yes! <> Dally

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                          ~Charlotte's POV~

     Dally and I have been together for a little under 3 years now. At first, everyone thought I was just another broad Dally would use and then throw away when he was done. So that's how they treated me. Before, I heard about what Dally did to those girls and how heart broken they were. The gang did what came naturally. I couldn't blame them.

     But I did know that me on the other hand, did not just throw myself at him and open my legs for anyone. I held my ground. After a while the gang still thought I was that same kind of gal. But I proved them wrong the day it was our one-year anniversary. When I met Dally, he was a complete mess. His home life, just like mine, wasn't great by any means.

We were both a wreck when we got together. I had trust issues, depression, an eating disorder and so much more from what I went through back in California. Dally was worse off than I was. He cut, he cut himself so much that almost his entire body is now covered in scars that are either pure white or a light pink. His past had riddled him with paranoia, anxiety, PTSD, trust issues, alcoholism and things I vowed to never tell another living soul. He was so desperate to numb the pain that he restored to crime, blood and alcohol to try and soothe his mind. If we hadn't found each other, we'd both be dead by now. Dally from his habits, and me from my abusive and toxic relationship I was in at the time. To say we were meant to be was an understatement. We understood each other's pain.

"Char? Char....CHAR!" Dally waved his hand in front of my face. I jumped and looked up at him from the bed, only to meet his icy blue eyes. "Oh. Sorry, babe. I was just thinking...again." I muttered, closing my sketchbook and sitting it on the bedside table. He nodded and began to get dressed. Neither of us talked too much about what we went through exactly. We just both knew we were never going to be like we were before. Neither of us wanted to tear open those wounds all of the way, yet at least.

"It's fine. The wedding starts soon. I'd get ready if I were you." He smirked. Oh, that smirk made me just about melt on the inside every time. I smiled back and sprinted into the bathroom to take a shower.

Today was Darry and (y/n)'s wedding. I've known (y/n) since we were toddlers, so I was more than honored to be her maid of honor when she asked me. After I finished in the shower, I had the project of drying my hair and getting everything done. I threw on a simple button up shirt and a pair of sweat pants for now and began blow drying my hair. My hair is a sight. I dyed it purple when I was 13 and I haven't changed it since. I'm 20 now, if that answers your question.

I walked out of the steamy bathroom to see Dally finishing his tie in front of our mirror. He looked so handsome in a tuxedo. I unbuttoned my shirt, slid off my pants and had Dally help me into my dress. The dress was beautiful, and coincidentally matched my hair rather nicely. My makeup was simple. Just the average face makeup, a nice shade of light purple eyeshadow to match the dress and compliment my baby brown eyes and a light pink lipstick to finish it off. I curled my hair and let it fall over my shoulders. Next were my heels.

Soon we were driving to the church where it would take place and then we'd be off to the reception to celebrate. I had a huge smile on my face, I was so happy for (y/n)! She deserves someone like Darry to make her happy.

     "Are you excited?" Dally asked, gripping the steering wheel with one hand and using the other to intertwine our fingers. I looked up at him and smiled.

     "Of course I am! (Y/n) is a lucky woman, and so am I. We both found great men!" I said. He chuckled and squeezed my hand. We stayed in that car just talking about anything really and got out when the car was parked outside of the church. Dally and I both rushed inside. I was the maid of honor while Dally was a groomsman, just like the rest of the gang and their girls, who were bridesmaids.

     "See you later, doll face!" Dally called. I turned and smiled, blowing a kiss before rushing to the room (y/n) was waiting in. As I approached the door, I saw Steve's girlfriend talking to everyone else.

     "Oh thank the Lord! Charlotte, you've gotta talk to (y/n)! She's a nervous wreck n'there!" Abi said. Her southern accent was very thick. She was around 9 months pregnant now, and she was due any day. I nodded and rushed past her. When I walked in, (y/n) was pacing the room and muttering to herself. I sighed.

     "What if he backs out, Char?! What if Abi goes into labor?! What if..." I cut her off.

     "(Y/n), listen to me! Darry is the best man you could ever find, and he's lucky to have you as a bride. He would never! Ever! Do that to you! Now let's show him how gorgeous you look in that dress!" She really was gorgeous. The dress was sleeveless, fitted her form perfectly and feathered out at the upper thigh. Her hair was curled and pinned into a neat but messy bun and her makeup was absolutely perfect. I smiled. She hugged me and I hugged back just as tight.

     "Let's go..."


     "Congratulations to the new couple!" Two-Bit finished, taking a large gulp from his champagne. We all did the same, except for Abi and the kids there. The reception was amazing! People danced, people talked, we got to watch (y/n) shove wedding cake in Darry's face, it was great!

     I was talking to Johnny's boyfriend when Dally hit his glass to get our attention. Curiously, I turned and watch as he spoke into the microphone.

     "Just another thing I'd like to say.....Charolette Marie Dawson, you have changed me for the better. And by now plenty of you might have an idea on what I'm about to say, but focus on the newly weds instead of us for the rest of the night. Char, when we met I was just as good as gone. We've both helped each other through things I can't even describe. Life without you, isn't a life at all. So, Charlotte, will you marry me?" He was on one knee, holding a ring as I looked down at him and cried.

     The entire room was silent. I stepped forward and lunged myself at him, hugging hims so hard I bet he couldn't breathe. Everyone began clapping as Dally slid the ring on my finger and we hugged. I was so happy, this day was amazing. We pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. It was a Greaser/normal wedding so people were hooting and hollering just as much as they clapped. Over the noise, I said one phrase that would stay in my mind forever.

     "Yes! Yes, of course!" I whispered. I knew from then on I made the right choice when I said yes. It was one of the best days ever.

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