Pregnant <> Steve {1}

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                         ~Abigail's POV~

     When I locked the back door of the Dingo at midnight, I had to shake my head to stay awake. The night was finally over an' I couldn't wait to go home an' just sleep. The streets were beginnin' to quiet down an' most stores were either closed or closin', jus' like the Dingo was.

     I started walkin' down the road, wishin' my car wasn't stolen a few months back. It was in fairly good condition, too. It would've lasted me a long time.  My blonde an' very curly hair was in a messy bun, ora rat's nest by now, my feet hurt like the dickens an' my uniform was stained with all sorts of foods an' drinks. I've hate that uniform since day one lemme tell yuh!

     Tonight was one'f the longest days I've ever been through in my life! First, the Dingo was the busiest it's ever been in months, literally months! Not to mention half'f the staff decided not to show up. What annoyed me the most was when'a group of Socs were hittin' on me an' followin' me 'round all day! In the end Danny an' I were cussin' an' throwing 'em out. A group of kids, or I'll call 'em demons, all threw half'f their meals onto me! My boss gave me a hard time all 'cause he found out I'm pregnant with my boyfriend, Steve Randle's, baby! I didn't even tell 'em, I've been showin' fr' a few weeks now. I only found out a few days ago an' I was still tryin' to figure out how to tell Steve. On top of that I had to deal with my annoying coworker, Danny, who constantly tries to get me to go out with him, despite the fact that'he's seen Steve an' I. But he's soo all that. To say I was tired an' frustrated was an understatement. I was down right ready to kill someone if they even annoyed me, I was so done for the day.

Jus' as I rounded the corner on Picket an' Sutton, the sound of a Mustang engine rumbled from behind me. On instinct, I quickened my pace an' held my head down. Even if I was mad, I couldn't risk mine or the baby's life. All I had to do was get to the Curtis house an' I'd be safe. A bed sounded the best at that moment. An' cuddlin' with Steve sounded even better. I didn't wanna be in a hospital bed 'cause of them again, then I wouldn't be able to sleep or cuddle with Stevie.

     By now I'was at the empty train tracks, an' I could still hear the Mustang followin' me. At this point I could hear them hollerin' at me, tellin' me to come over an' get in their car. My heightened sense'f smell made me gag, they absolutely reeked of booze.

     "Come onnn hot stuff...! Weee just waaana have a good timeee..." Oh God, they were so drunk. So drunk that I could smell the whiskey an' beer radiatin' off of 'em. But I just kept walkin' an' prayed to make it to the Curtis house, ignorin' them drunk assholes. Gettin' jumped wasn't really on my to do list, an' I had no plan on addin' it anytime soon.

At this point, I'was only a few houses away from the Curtis house. There I'd be meetin' Steve who would take us to our apartment. By now the Mustang was fallin' further behind, but that's only 'cause they stopped the car an' climbed out. When I heard their footsteps I ran an' ran an' ran, but they caught me. I'm only 5'4 while these guys were giants!

"No! Steve! Help me!" I yelled, already knowin', what'was to come. I felt a punch to my ribs an' a hand go over my mouth. 'Not my baby!' I thought. I'was so scared. I could care less if I'was hurt, I just wanted my baby to be alright. If the baby didn't make it....I can't even imagine.

"Shut up." He hissed. I recognized that voice instantly. It was one of the Socs I told off at the Dingo. Bob Sheldon. Just the name sent chills rackin' through my body. I hated him ever since he did that to Johnny and what he did to me. Johnny didn't deserve that and then Bob has the audacity to nearly kill him that night! Then days after it happened, he decided to r-....rape me an' beat me even worse than Johnny! I'was so pissed at him! An' I'was even more terrified!

     All'f my thoughts were gone the minute I felt the cold tip of a blade against my neck. My knees shook but I refused to let it show in my eyes, I'would never in a million years let these Socs know they scared me. Not after everythin' they did. I had to stay strong.

"Now you're gonna get in that car or we're gonna make you." He demanded. Bob sounded less drunk than the others, but it wasn't by that much. I'jus stared at him, not once lettin' my guard down. "Damn it! Answer me when I'm talking to you, slut!" He slapped me.

My head flung to the side an' I could feel a bruise begin to form from how hard he hit me. My cheek stung from the impact an' I was gettin' more an' more furious every second. In the distance, I saw Steve an' the gang creepin' up behind Bob an' his goons, who's attention was on me an' only me. I ignored 'em to keep their presence hidden, knowin' they'd use it to their advantage.

Before my eyes could make out what was happenin', Bob's switchblade was smacked outta his hand an' he was thrown offa me, being thrown off by none other than Steve. Pony an' Johnny helped me stand an' pulled me aside while everyone else broke into a fight.

"You okay, Abi?" Pony asked, his green-grey eyes burnin' with worry. I smiled a little but stopped when my cheek stung, only then noticin' that my lip was busted. I leaned on Johnny who was an inch or 2 taller than me an' yawned. I saw the gang run after Bob's car an' Dally threw a rock through their window. They so deserved it! Right when the car was out of view, they were runnin' towards me an' bombardin' me with questions. I already had enough, so I decided to cut 'em off.

"Are y-.." "Guys I'm fine. Don't worry, alright? Now Steve help me walk, I think they cracked a few ribs." I explained. My ribs hurt like Hell an' by then my adrenaline was startin' to wear off more. Steve put his arm around my waist an' walked beside me. It felt like I was walkin' on nails or somethin'. He ended up carryin' me when my adrenaline wore off completely. I'was so tired. The last thing I remembered was lookin' up at Steve's face when my eyes closed.

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