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Y/n's Pov

The next day,Minghao and I went to school.I had to bring Mark along since nobody will be at home today.When we reach school,we got caught up by Mr Park."Chim chim!"Mark hug him.He just smile and carry him."Mark,you better not call me mommy and call daddy chim chim in the class.Okay?"I said.He smile before nodding."What will call me Mark?"Minghao ask."Fairy!"Mark said."Not in class okay?"Minghao pinch his cheek.Minghao and I walk around the school.I show him around."So this is where the teachers or counselors come for some meeting,"I said.I was a counselor so I was allow to come in.Some teachers was inside."Stay here,"I said before entering."Morning Y/n,"the teachers said."Morning.I was wondering whether I can invite a new student to look around here,"I said."Sure,"they said."Minghao come here,"I said.He come on and bow down to the teachers."Good morning.My name is Minghao and I'm new.Sorry if I disturb anything,"he said."It's fine,"Mrs Lee said.I smiled before pulling Minghao with me."So this is mostly where all the counselors have their meeting.We are planning to pick one and maybe we can consider you to be one,"I said.He smiled.I show him around.Around 7.50,we went to class."English then it's our single timing for our own physically activities,"I said sitting on my chair.He smile before leaning against his chair.Mr Park entered with Mark."Awww..."the girls in the class awed.I smiled."Morning everyone,"Jimin said with Mark holding his hand."Morning,"we all bow."So as you all can see,I bring a special guest today.While I'm teaching,he will be doing his own things so don't focus to much on him,"Mr Park said.We all nodded.While we listening to his explanation,Mark went to the class annoying girl who tries to always get Mr Park's attention."Hello little guy,"she said carrying Mark."Put him down.Jiho!"Mr Park said angrily.The class got quiet since he was angry."Mark,go to her,"he said pointing to me.Mark smile before running into my arms.I finish copying the sentences Mr Park wrote."Sit down on mommy and don't disturb me.Okay?"I said whispering.He just nodded before leaning against me."Who allow you to touch him?"Mr Park ask.She kept quiet."Stand up,"he said.All of us just watch them."Fairy.Look at this,"Mark said softly showing Minghao Mr Park's phone.His wallpaper was a picture of himself with me and Mark.Minghao smile before patting him."I want you to write 50 words saying I shouldn't disturb Mr Park's son.Do it now,"Mr Park said sternly."Why is chim chim angry mommy?"Mark ask softly."I'll tell you later,"I said softly looking at my phone."Minghao,help me reply Hoshi,"I whispered.He nodded taking my phone.Mark went to furious Mr Park."Daddy,"he pull his shirt.Mr Park look at him."I want to go toilet,"he said."Y/n.Go,"he said.I went with Mark."Chim chim is angry because of the girl you went too.Don't go to anyone other then me,Minghao and chim chim.Okay?"I said.He smiled and climb into my arms.I kiss his cheeks before going out back to class.He was at his desk with his spectacles on the table."Why did you make Y/n carry you Mark?"he ask.I put Mark down.Mark ran to him."Y/n,there is a counselor meeting is happening now,"he said.I smile before going to the meeting room.

Minghao's Pov

Around 10.55,everyone left except for me."Mr Park.You know who's Hoshi right?"I ask."Just call Jimin when nobody is here,"he said."Alright,"I said."Yeah I know,"he said."Here,"I said giving him Y/n's phone."If you come back before 3 and if I caught you going out with him,I will make sure you regret,"he read.We look at each other.Mark was on his chair watching YouTube.

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